And Scavengers Reign.
I’ve personally been messaged on a few different platforms saying that I can be a seller for marketplaces and make 2500+ USD a week. I assume that it’s these big companies that they’re talking around as to try and not spill the beans because I assume it’s below the line in some way.
For some people that may be pretty lucrative.
There are very few transplant surgeons who would take the risk of a partial liver transplant which they have high likelihood of being a death sentence for the patient (not sure if you read but they need a full liver, from a cadaver, not partial,) and want to willingly throw their name in with another patient to discuss during M&M.
This is coming directly from familiarity with the procedure, comorbidities, and other factors from a general surgeon at a top 10 hospital in the US.
I honestly wouldn’t expect to see a lot of that, being that in my anecdotal evidence the majority of K-12 educators would likely fall under a more generalized population, than what lemmy currently is, which is generally very technical and STEM oriented.
All the other subs on Reddit didn’t exist until general population got pulled in with memes, and started partaking in communities there. Lemmy is just like Reddit was, when Reddit was young.
It’s not like giving away part of your liver is a zero sum game, now that person is at risk of infection, has lesser liver performance, and for what? Someone who has showed they will just continue to harm themselves, and others (the person they’re getting the liver from,) if you allow it?
I don’t know any other surgeons who would do that.
Problem with that is there may be other services that also leverage the same short code, meaning you may be blocking something you need in the future.
Edit: apparently according to Twilio: