I look forward to the day I wake up and the orange shit-for-brains is already dead.
Countdown until Trump stupidly bans it as it "harms" President Musk.
Can still swap out hardware. And firmware chips can be replaced.
They round up gays and there would be no male Republicans left. Let's be honest, virtually all of them are in the closet which is why they are so anti-gay. They are ashamed of what they really are.
Brendan is just sad that Youtube doesn't show his favorite programming: young boys.
And blocked.
And out of curiousity... what's to keep these other countries from swapping out the software and/or hardware that causes this? They bought it and the US can go pound sand. Am I saying it's easy to do? No. But it's not impossible and a far sight cheaper than buying all new planes from someone else.
That and it was Nixon who pushed hard and blamed hippies for it. Old enough to have direct experience.
Again, not needed or requested.
Trump supporter huh