
joined 2 years ago
[–] 30 points 6 hours ago

Is this the same guy who wants to sue journalists for "unfair" coverage?


Just have your fucking stroke already you ancient fuck.

[–] 20 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

I have this account already tagged as Russian Propagandist in case anyone wanted to join in tagging them to continue to drown their bullshit out.

[–] 3 points 6 hours ago

Hester fucking Prynne let's fucking go boys

[–] 4 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

I got $100 that says pegasus is installed on his android phone without his knowledge.

[–] 7 points 9 hours ago

I'd love to see lawyers interpret "unfairly" in this context.

[–] 3 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

I've been posting and reposting my little "Eggsecution" short story everywhere I see eggs come up in politics.

I'm hoping the egg economy goes tits up, we have the great American egg famine, and then once rid of the impending bird flu pandemic, egg economy goes the other way, and the masses just toss Donnie and Elmo into a concrete pit and pelt the. with eggs until they're drowning in broke shells and egg yolk.

"Eggs. Eggs. Eggs."

[–] 44 points 11 hours ago

I cancelled my Uber last night because it was a Tesla

I won't even get in one. Buy one???? You're shitting me right?

[–] 16 points 13 hours ago (4 children)

It's going to take a unifying event that is unifyingly abhorrent.

Until that show drops, no movement will take enough momentum with it.

Wait until a Mayors daughter gets sent to gitmo for protesting at college. Wait until the social security checks bounce. Wait until the next viral George Floyd police killing.

The tension is simmering.

[–] 1 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

Is Kitty Dukakis still on drugs?

[–] 13 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

Bro one of the fucking DOGE shitheads left his personal Google calendar in public.

Not as hard as you think.

[–] 14 points 13 hours ago

What an ignorant comment.

People like you think the people who constitute countries are represented by their leaders.


[–] 7 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

Pretty sure there was a recent proof showing no known solar system contains enough matter to surround it's star.


A bakery in Conway NH is suing the town after being told their mural violates advertising signage laws. It seems the sign just has pastries and doesn't otherwise advertise the business, so they're calling it art and arguing it should stay. The town disagrees so they're going to court over it.

The bakery is suing the town for $1, and permission to keep the kids mural up.

This is a small business fighting to keep kids art on display. Suing for $1 is a way to signal that are willing to do this at a financial loss, and that the display isn't a means of enriching themselves but rather their community.


I'm approaching 40. I've been all over the internet my whole life. Mostly a metal head. I love me my prog rock. I love my folk, and a little indie here and there.

I won't give away too much, but if you know where I know this music from, give me a shout. I'm sure some of y'all are out tofu aware out there.

Pete Davis never got the fame he deserves in this genre. Maybe Foss platforms can give a hum le ho ie a signal boost. This is his most popular track with a band from cages ago, but peep his shit. He deserves it.


The bottom of the page there is a countdown that will expire at midnight Eastern standard Time tonight.

This company claims to be in Boston. They've received federal grants. I've done a small amount of digging, but it would be entirely within valves resources to set up such a company. They have a LinkedIn, but it doesn't really seem like anyone really works there? It seems like a viral marketing campaign.

There was a Reddit thread. A while back. Some people noticed classes in the HTML that referenced other half-lifey things. But, some people in that thread shut it down as nothing out of the ordinary.

Then, there have been recent leaks with regard to a new game being developed. Someone found a resume suggesting that a person had done voice-over work for an unreleased project with Valve in 2023.

There was also a leak of some files with .hlx file types, and I guess prior to the half-life alyx release some .hla files leaked.

In the .hlx file leak, I guess there was found references to things like the EV suit.

Here's a YouTube video that touches on all of this.


Legend has it, Eyedea wrote these lyrics when he was 14 years old. What the actual fuck.


This is an appreciation thread. All 4 games are iconic to me. Way underrated.

To me, midnight club is everything need for speed wanted to be. Need for speed had a few hits and many misses. Midnight club was 100% hits. And they aged incredibly. They're still fun as hell.

If you never played and you dig arcade racing games, go play. It's an open city racing game. Variety of racing types, endless challenges, and really great mechanicsi just wish it was as.pophlar as it deserves to be.


Anyone else getting worse and worse service with chat gpt?

I am getting repetitive incorrect and lazy answers and then rate limited. Idk what I'm even paying for at this point. It's happened the last 5 times I've used it over the last week or so.

Am I alone?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Im on a galaxy s22+. This started happening the same time the upvotes downvote buttons started to glitch in the UI which I have also posted about.

This issue is more annoying. When I am mid response, I'll often leave the app to get more accurate info in what I'm trying to say. When I come back to Lemmy, it's all black. Nothing. But my button presses are still registering.

If I go to the app switcher (bottom left android button) thing, and reselect Lemmy, it fixes and the display returns.

But if I react by pressing the back button, I lose my response, I lose the post I was responding to, I sometimes can't even relocate the thread I was in easily.


I need to hit the upvotes and downvote buttons twice on the main page.

It will flash it's color as I press on press 1, but then quickly revert. On second press, it behaves normally.

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