Its in the best interest for companies and tyrants to destroy the past so that they can sell you the future.
Tyvm, switching.
Marketing depts at unis do this shit all the time.
Yea, but this is kind of the lay up for doing that study. It's how science works. You do a lit review and examine what data we have now, then you do that stuff.
Yes. He's not as smart as he thinks he is, yet he is not as dumb as he portays. He's dishonest at his core and it shows in the way he interacts with others.
The term you're looking for is social capital and this is what I mean. We agree more than we don't, but I like breaking the terms down a bit more for conversational purposes. It's important to talk about these things.
That's still about power not wealth.
His wealth already is future proof, this is something else. This is about power.
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I laughed out loud even