
joined 9 months ago
[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 2 points 11 hours ago

Featuring a young LeVar Burton!

Sadly, the plot wouldn't let him bust a move, even though he looked like he badly wanted to.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

So this showed up last week: https://github.com/raminf/RoboNope-nginx

Similar vibe, minus the AI.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

[ Sorry for the wall of text. Can move it to GH Issues, if easier. ]

I sorta agree with the OP's feedback. Not sure if this is the way Apollo did it or is custom to Voyager. Either way, it could use some streamlining to help users.

From personal experience... was recently unable to login to an instance. Already had an account on a different server. Went to log out of the existing (malfunctioning) account to troubleshoot the problem, then log back in.

Could not figure it out.

Ended up deleting the account then re-adding it in. Was nerve-wracking since the Delete button wasn't clear if it meant 'forgetting' account on Voyager, or 'deleting' it entirely on server (see below). Went ahead. Even that took multiple clicks: Profile > Accounts > Edit > Delete.

Went through the same scenario posted by OP to log back in. Ended up mistakenly going to 'Other,' which tried to get me to create an account. Nooo. Backtrack. Find the right link, go in, then login again. Phew!

I can see how it could be confusing for people new to the app.

So instead of just whining, here's a suggested list of user path ways. Offered in the spirit of trying to be helpful. Please feel free to ignore. Not a React person (more of a Vue fan) otherwise I'd add these myself and do a PR.

A lot of this functionality already exists. It's just a matter of making it easier for a user to access it with as few taps as possible:

[Side note: be nice if there was a way to indent/dedent lists in the comment editor 😬]

  1. Register:
  • Offer pre-selected server. Buttons with:
    • Refresh or dice icon: loads a different random server.
    • Filter icon (optional): shows all candidate servers (filter based on user choices: location (country of origin), keywords/tags, number of members, etc)
    • List button: Ordered list of all servers

Select one, go to individual server register page. When done, go to All page for current account.

Feature creep: allow user to add a little note reminding themself what the server is for. For example server A is for business, server B is for hobby, etc. Show description whenever showing accounts. Allow editing description somewhere sensible.

Extra, extra feature creep: allow user to select color and icon for account, then make it super easy to switch accounts. Under reddit, lots of people had aliases and apps made it easy to toggle (even on a per-post or per-comment basis).

  1. Login:
  • Popup list of existing accounts currently under Profile > Accounts list.
    • Enter password.
  • Or... Section with:
    • Pick from filtered list of servers (same as above)
    • Pick from ordered list of all servers (same as above)
    • Enter server name manually
  • Enter username / password or go to server login page.

Be nice if there was an icon showing account is logged in vs not. This way, you could easily toggle back and forth between multiple logged in accounts.

  1. Logout:
  • Confirm, done.
  • If you have other accounts, go to account picker page.
  • Logout could also leave item in list of accounts but show that it's not 'active.'
  • If no accounts, go back to Register / Login page (above)

Suggest adding Logout as a single, Red item under Settings. Could also have in Profile tab, in an obvious place (another item under list of actions?), again, in red. Confirm, done.

To support fast account switching, may want to make logout change state of account, and Forget/Delete to edit the list.

  1. Forget:
  • Show list of accounts, with a red trash icon next to each one.
  • Confirm. Remove from list of accounts.
  • Forgetting also logs out, so same path as above.

This should make clear that it logs out and removes from list of accounts, but does NOT delete on server.

  1. Delete (locally and on server):
  • Not sure if Lemmy API allows this.
  • If so, then list of accounts with red X icon.
  • Confirm, maybe double-confirm, delete. Removes from account list.
  • Or take to server delete page.
  • If confirmed, delete local profile as well.

Optional Account-related extras:

  1. Migrate

    • Create new account, then migrate from logged-in other.
      • Overwrite existing account settings (confirm, since destructive)
      • Merge with existing account (confirm, since not easily reversible)
  2. Reset:

  • Factory resetting to a fresh new logged in account state.
  • Could ask what to reset/purge: Comments, Saves, Posts, or All.
  • Confirm, maybe double, since not reversible.
  1. Export / Import account settings:
  • Downloadable bundle.
  • For migrating to a fresh new device, in case OS account migration doesn't work.

Like I said, happy to move this elsewhere or take discussion elsewhere if not clear.

FWIW, Voyager is the main reason I'm sticking around Lemmy. Discovering it was the happiest thing to come out of leaving reddit.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

When you have too many toys.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Holy Firefly geek meltdown. Rightfully, so.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

Github actions and docker containers. A match made in heck.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Say it isn't so...

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 49 points 5 days ago

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 230 points 5 days ago (5 children)

I've always appreciated the feature of AI coding tools, where they confidently tell you they've done something completely wrong. Then if you call them on it, they super-confidently say: "Of course, here's what needs to be done..."

Then proceed to do something even worse.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago (3 children)

It's a U.S. thing. Eggs are refrigerated to prevent salmonella. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration rules require eggs be kept under 45°F/7°C at all times.


I've been taking CERT disaster relief (DR) classes, put on by the city at the local fire department (we live in an area prone to earthquake, flood, and fire). The subject of communications came up and they mentioned walkie talkies in neighborhood caches, but nobody had any idea about models, ranges, etc.

Been casually looking at Meshtastic and keep seeing it mentioned for DR, but haven't come across any actual guides or implementations. For example, I can set up a router in my house, but there's no guarantee it will be standing during a fire, or if power will remain during an earthquake.

There are lots of questions (tech, redundancy, battery backups, range, node placement, while on-the-move, temporary setups, gateways to cell and cloud, etc). Was hoping someone had already figured it out so I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel. This would be first for my own neighborhood, then expand to city or county-wide services.

I've got another CERT class coming up next week and will ask the Fire Department folks for tips/advice as well, but thought I'd ask here about Meshtastic and maybe point them at some resources, if asked.

For research, am making my way through posts on the Meshtastic site and read the Burning Man report. Also checked out Meshmap in my area (only two routers, one on top of a mountain, but possibly on the back side of it).

FWIW, background in tech, have a ton of ESP32s, RPis, and a few LoRa boards sitting around. Was looking at getting the T-Deck, but am going to hold off until I have a proper plan on what to do with it. Also want to document the process so hopefully come up with a reusable plan. Mainly looking for tips where to look next. TIA.

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