It's true that I know most most of advices from this thread. I'm also know that I should to use them, and I try but it's hard IRL. Sometimes I just break up like today and every answer to me is like getting in contact with some human. Satisfy some social need idk
How can you help me?
Yes sometimes I try to talk with someone, sometimes it's enforced by teachers when do we have to finish group work. Meeting people in university is ok but I still feel like my age is a hindrance. I'm 27yo when my groupmates are all in their early 20s. I feel old to them, especially when it comes to women. I have a few people I talk to when I'm at university, but still, I only talk to them at university.
Only some gym, and 2-3 restaurants. It's a small town in middle of Europe. I have to drive about 100km to university by train every weekend because I study part-time.
Yeah I have only a very generic hobbies like games, books, rock and travelling when I have money to do it. But it's usually a cheap journey by bus with sleeping in cheap hostel etc. Without any luxuries as insert girls on tinder and expect such trips from men. I'm study finance part-time and work also, I have limited time for new hobbies. Also I still have to spend some time every day for learning English cause you see as it is :)
There is open source APP called tidy, which work completely offline
Pixel 5 with graphene. On android by google and graphene there is only adaptive brightness.
Idk I usually have problem with fitgirl repacs so maybe for Linux are better alternatives
Yeah I also don't like people at my work. I work as forklift operator and there people are mostly older than me and they live only this work. Their laught on me cause I study and I'm "smart". I didn't even talk much, I'm quiet, so I don't know why they think I'm smug