It's bribe, not bet.
GaLiGrü Thomas 😀🍺🍺
It's bribe, not bet.
GaLiGrü Thomas 😀🍺🍺
Yea that's just what replaced the "Have my poor mans gold 🏅" now, which still somehow comes up too.
2 people giving me positive status effects in such little time, I wonder what the boss fight is gonna be..
That was quick, thanks! Have one back
Y'indeed I love seeing notifications here and reload every few minutes to see if someone replied to me (not now obviously because I'm high and forgot to reply to you earlier and it's also taking me a good few minutes to type up this reply).
On Reddit I usually hoped that everyone upvoted, of course, and that none of them reply. Especially when I argumented with someone, because I'm actually really bad at argumenting about things I perceive as negative. [...]
The rest is just a stoned tirade (I didn't want to delete it because I find it amusing), there's no Tl;Dr to be made, just don't read it unless you choose to make me a god and want to use the genoxidedev1 lore to practice that new religion. Anyways:
[...] I'm also bad at argumenting about things I'm good at, which only leaves me being good at argumenting about things I'm bad at, but I'f im good at argumenting about things I'm bad at it would mean that I'm good at argumenting about me argumenting about things I'm good at, so, if we use that logic for all the other things I could be doing I'm actually the best at everything. Wow. I just lost an argument against myself, cool or something.
You forgot "and my axe", "to shreds you say" and "I wish they didn't remove awards so I could give you one", or maybe even the 'rare' "take my angry upvote and leave"?
Yeah I like that we can actually hold real conversations here, as far as 'real' goes of course.
It came out in 2017 so in the beginning of his reign still. Not surprised,,, Fortnite is a scourge on my mind as Trump is a scourge on the american people.
Wow I didn't expect to see this so soon, I thought they'd do at least another dozen more votes or something.
Used to be heavy in the business, still have ~32,000 songs left of my collection it used to be a few thousand more.
Got into it back when I had no regular internet access, where you'd have to grow your music on your own and seasons make all the difference in going outside to find a wifi hotspot and then download a list of albums that you prepared for beforehand by doing hours of research in your free time at 1 MB/s, during good hours, sitting in the freezing cold watching LibreTorrent or Freezer 24/7 on your old phone because it didn't have enough RAM to actually store an app and let it work in the background. And at the same time hoping the years-old battery would hold enough power left to last the 2 hours it took you to go home. For multiple years in succession, downloading at least 20 albums at each opportunity.
Yeah, I did some work for my collection. It's why I also can't delete it, had I deleted it within a month it would be different, but after multiple years it would feel too much of a waste. It's a monument of the same time frame in which an incredulously important person to me partook in. The first few months of this year were my second deepest spot ever, and thus I got incredibly bored of everything and, because of that, couldn't get into an artist at a time anymore, if at all. I came to the conclusion that ignoring the problem is the only thing I could realistically do, so my mood never improved or decreased, it was just a plateau that's depressing to look back at. Beginning of September I found the band Waterparks for myself and recently started expressing myself more how I want it (:3). The switch-up really fueled me to question if I could actually had a chance at being passively moderately happy, after almost two decades of having felt pretty much nothing. Music represents me, I couldn't.
Wow, I'm rambling high again, sorry not sorry >:3
Something about a novel
Not enough Minecraft Parkour gameplays
There's vomit.
L plus mid