It's fun to learn about stuff, and there are books on any subject imaginable.
Sigh, so true.
Thanks for the in-depth info. Your cats have a wonderful home!
Go to a bike shop that has a device or some way of measuring your sit bones (ie. the distance between them.) They're the two hard bits that should be contacting your saddle when you ride. The shop I went to had this bench with a gel layer so you could see where your sit bones were pressing down.
I used to think all saddles were uncomfortable until I realized I have a relatively wide distance between my sit bones. I bought a proper saddle for my ass and now I'm comfy all the time.
He sure is good at threatening. Fuck him.
Just checked out their site. The first thing I looked at (a pair of joggers) says they're made in Sri Lanka...
That made my body shake
I see the classic format, I upvote.
The Parker Solar Probe moves 120 miles per second as it passes around the Sun. That's nearly half a million miles per hour!
#2 is classic. #5 has never let me down. But ive never understood how people use #7: shitty wobbly tip