I found the meme before this one …
greatest egg laying mammal moment: Platypus after hatching 🥚 (🐣 no, not this bird, why is there no Platypus hatching emoji 💢)
ultra orange - ultra glowy fox exes 🦊
interesting … I guess your client is some android app though … and the default browser UI handles it in a more annoying way for you as well?
reality is becoming a meme at this rate
me after pressing HALT key in bus, but bus driver ignores me, so I drive to next station while complaining
Where you crying while driving? I would … or at least gulp down some spit on regular interwals
TIL(Today I learned) about hyperlexia thx!
theoretically a programmer could filter the duplicates out automatically … but I think this "repost problem" is not a top priority, the lemmy UI developers dont have much freetime at their hands to implement this.
I am swaying to dislike the repost feature also, I am confused since it duplicates so much clutter in my UI, as the poster as well.
my failed attempt: SCOTiSH
- Sulfur S
- Carbon C
- Oxygen O
- Titanium Ti (idk if forms a valid compund, a rare heavy metals chemists needs to come in for this one lmao)
- Sulfur S
- Hydrogen H
Scottish person I guess … I failed at the double t. But it sounds right … right?
Your rabbits.