
joined 2 months ago

Would they simply never grow? How would that exactly go? How much force does a growing human body exert on the box?

This is assuming you take care of their food, water and stuff obviously.


I hear the anime is more faithful to the webnovel than the webtoon.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I am not using any top fans, no, only front and back (and bottom if we include PSU fan). Thought the vent on top could also help with airflow though, not sure.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

How often is kinda like it depends. But I mean, it can happen, my hands aren't always perfectly dry, I might even forget to dry them properly. I try to be careful now, but it can happen.

So, like 10-20% of the case is not under, I can't push it entirely back, but I could push it back some more (and even then, drops of water don't always fall perfectly vertically, so movement of hand can throw them under the desk anyway).

No cloth mousepad, I don't even use a mousepad.


So I have a Corsair 4000D air flow, and the top of the case is like full of holes to allow airflow (with a dust filter on top of it).

Thing is, I put the case more or less below where my hand is touching the mouse, to the right of my feet.

And, well, I could wash my hands or otherwise have my hands be slightly wet at some point, so I am afraid, those holes would be easy for a drop or two of water to fall down on the PC components.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I apparently don't know the difference between IHS and cooler heatsink, no. Looks like, what I meant was IHS.

It's not as much dropping, as just letting go of it from slightly above, since again the socket was in the way, and well, nothing was fried or bent from this (at least the PC booted up fine), but yes, it's not exactly ideal.

And yes, I watched the videos, they did not explain properly, someone actually did, there is a gap in the socket, for your finger to fit in, no one mentioned that, this might be the solution.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Glue or suction cup might work, yes (though with glue, I'd be scared of damaging something if the glue for example grabs something wrong too).

Also, someone mentioned about the gaps on the sides of socket for fingers to fit that I did not know, so that might work too.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

So getting the CPU out isn't as much of an issue, as it is getting the CPU out without bending/damaging the pins. I can turn the MB upside down, and get it out, or slowly drag the CPU to the side or like you say, try to put something under it.

I want to be as gentle as possible though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Ah, I didn't know this, thank you. I can try from this when I want to remove it and see how it goes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

So the top part, the "heatsink" part, I can grab it by that, but the grip is bad and I can't take it out (at least not without rapidly grabbing it and pulling it to the side out of the socket), and I don't want to touch those electronics under it (as shown in your picture).

I can't really grab it by the sides with fingers, I could perhaps with tweezers, but too afraid those could scratch something in the process.

A small suction cup might work as someone else mentioned though, but don't have that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

That's the thing, I have kinda watched videos, but as weird as it sounds, I can't grab the CPU by the sides. There is no hold on it, the CPU is literally surrounded by the socket.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (6 children)

So I might be missing something, but it's not these. I built this PC from parts, so I know all these steps.

I would post a picture, but honestly, the PC is built and in the case right now. I might want to swap the motherboard soon though (and last time I tried removing the CPU from this motherboard, I faced this issue and gave up), which is why I am asking.

MSI B650 Gaming Plus WIFI is the motherboard, it sounds weird yes, it sounds like there shouldn't be something surrounding the CPU, but the CPU literally goes in the "hole" and is surrounded by it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (5 children)

Yes, my last attempt was before putting the PC together, now I might want to swap the motherboard soon, which is why I want to know how to take the CPU out (cause last time I tried, I faced the issue I described).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Thank you. Yes, I know this, I put the PC together, so I know all the steps you describe here.

Thing is I can't post a picture right now, cause the PC is assembled and in the case, but I might want to take it off soon. You can look up the motherboard, MSI B650 WIFI Gaming Plus.

When I do all this (and this is when I wanted to take it off back then), I can't really grab the sides of the CPU, the CPU is in the hole in the socket, surrounded by the socket.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Well, I kinda am not trying to take the CPU out right now, but last time I tried I faced this issue (as well as when trying to put in, I just had to sorta drop it from a bit above), and I might want to take it out again soon.

The cooler/heatsink is removed in this case, by heatsink in the OP I mean, the like metal thing on top of CPU, the thing you put thermal paste on, not the actual heatsink you put on the CPU, but the shield thingy attached to the CPU.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This kinda sounds stupid, but everyone I've looked up say "grab CPU by the sides and take out". Thing is, the CPU is in the socket, the sides are surrounded by the socket "walls", I can't exactly grab the sides.

I mean, kinda same thing for putting CPU in, but for putting it in, I can just let go a bit above, and have it fall down into the socket.

Maybe this motherboard is like that, and other motherboard are different, but I don't know.

The only thing I can grab is the heatsink (which you apply thermal paste to) on the top, but I can't get a good grip on it.

I can keep grabbing and pull the CPU to the side on top, but I might bend a few pins doing that.

This is AM5 socket btw.

Edit: I built this PC from parts, I put the CPU in, so I know I have to remove the cooler and pull the lever up.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This kinda sounds stupid, but everyone I've looked up say "grab CPU by the sides and take out". Thing is, the CPU is in the socket, the sides are surrounded by the socket "walls", I can't exactly grab the sides.

I mean, kinda same thing for putting CPU in, but for putting it in, I can just let go a bit above, and have it fall down into the socket.

Maybe this motherboard is like that, and other motherboard are different, but I don't know.

The only thing I can grab is the heatsink (which you apply thermal paste to) on the top, but I can't get a good grip on it.

I can keep grabbing and pull the CPU to the side on top, but I might bend a few pins doing that.

This is AM5 socket btw.


So, I had some issues with installing the GPU in the case, and the GPU bottom (those metals things at the bottom) ended up scratching part of the motherboard. From what I can tell, there's a bunch of similar components all the way up, so I'd think there's redundancy, so I guess it's not that important. Here is a picture (I was told some people couldn't open postimg, both links have same image):

PC boots fine into bios, fans work, stuff are recognized, mouse and keyboard also works, but I haven't really done much beyond that.

Motherboard is: MSI B650 Gaming Plus Wifi

It's located here, and on them, it is written K72 then vertically smaller K2 (the 2 has an underline), as you can see in the above image too:

I was told to ask here, and the best guess from what I've been told is that this is this:

Paralleling power metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) is a common wayto reduce conduction losses and spread power dissipation over multiple devices to limit the maximum junction temperature.

Which could mean that the others could pick up the slack.

Should I get a new motherboard?


So, I had some issues with installing the GPU in the case, and the GPU bottom (those metals things at the bottom) ended up scratching part of the motherboard. From what I can tell, there's a bunch of similar components all the way up, so I'd think there's redundancy, so I guess it's not that important. Here is a picture:

PC boots fine into bios, fans work, stuff are recognized, mouse and keyboard also works, but I haven't really done much beyond that.

Motherboard is: MSI B650 Gaming Plus Wifi

It's located here, and on them, it is written K72 then vertically smaller K2 (the 2 has an underline):

Should I get a new motherboard?

Edit: Better quality image, and new image host added.


So, I had some issues with installing the GPU in the case, and the GPU bottom (those metals things at the bottom) ended up scratching part of the motherboard. From what I can tell, there's a bunch of similar components all the way up, so I'd think there's redundancy, so I guess it's not that important. Here is a picture:

PC boots fine into bios, fans work, stuff are recognized, mouse and keyboard also works, but I haven't really done much beyond that.

Motherboard is: MSI B650 Gaming Plus Wifi

It's located here, and on them, it is written K72 then vertically smaller K2 (the 2 has an underline):

Should I get a new motherboard?

Edit: Better quality image, and new image host added.


So, I had some issues with installing the GPU in the case, and the GPU bottom (those metals things at the bottom) ended up scratching part of the motherboard. From what I can tell, there's a bunch of similar components all the way up, so I'd think there's redundancy, so I guess it's not that important. Here is a picture:

PC boots fine into bios, fans work, stuff are recognized, mouse and keyboard also works, but I haven't really done much beyond that.

Motherboard is: MSI B650 Gaming Plus Wifi

It's located here, and on them, it is written K72 then vertically smaller K2 (the 2 has an underline):

Should I get a new motherboard?

Edit: Better quality image, and new image host added.

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