That’s the kind of gardens we need more of to save the pollinators
Nah, 13th century was too decentralised. It’s before the development of absolutism, nationionalism, and then totalitariansm. They are more going for late 1930s Italy/Germany style.
This ain’t boring. It’s terrifying.
Just FYI Canadians, don’t get fooled when people say California is “leftist”. Check out recent referendum results, they voted against abolishing slavery (for prisoners) and in favour of the death penalty for example. They are only “leftist” in relation to the neofacist US’s overton window.
I’m still on my 2016 iPhone SE. It’s slow and buggy but for my purposes it’s great and the screen is only 10cm (4in).
It depends. I don’t feel forced to go on there because it has none of my friends. Obviously I’ll go once every few weeks to check out cool photography but I’m really not an active user there.
Version edited to mention lemmy also doesn’t have adds. (NOT MADE BY ME)
I hate giving these people the satisfaction of the “socialist” or “communist” label.
Think of those of us who can’t get vaccines due to being immunocompromised, before you say “it’s just a flu” and spread it by not wearing a mask.
I was disappointed to learn there was no fediverse Tmbd/Imdb alternative. This looks like it has the potential to become that, among many things