Finally, IT guys can compete with truckers when they play Euro/American truck simulator after work!
True, but it's like reading a news report about a bear attacking an RV of a working class family on holidays parked in a road and then people on the comments saying "yeah screw those billionaires, go bears!".
Yeah, this one is really annoying, unless a bilionaire is going to sail on a sailboat with less than 15m, they are never going to get one. People cheer when orcas sink a sailboat but most of them are from middle class families, equivalent to an RV.
Username checks out
Thats some sleek skin! I have the standard black one for over 2 years, it still works great and I only ever used the provided battery.
And most likely poor repairability
Maybe he meant years from his home planet... But how shitty sequels tend to be lately, maybe its for the best.
There has been for some time the option to play on "safer seas" where its basically a private server for your party, but you get lesser rewards.
Samantha Carter from Stargate SG1
New video just dropped by the way!
They also make some money
Hank Hill aproves