It might have always been there. Using the connect app only shows one picture even now, while the voyager app shows both. Weird lol
I appriciate you telling me there's another pic tho so I checked it in the other app :)
It might have always been there. Using the connect app only shows one picture even now, while the voyager app shows both. Weird lol
I appriciate you telling me there's another pic tho so I checked it in the other app :)
If you decided to share a close up of the figures in the boat, I would be super excited
You were right it was the app :) thanks for immediatly diagnosing the problem lol
I thought it seemed excessive. Povoq mentioned that it might be the app I'm using, I'm going to try out some other apps and check if browser or desktop are faster after work today :)
It might be the app, after work today I'll do some troubleshooting & report back what I find out
Lemmy has been really slow for me the last week or two. I pretty much exclusively use the connect app on my phone & when browsing will routinely have posts fail to load when clicked on. When they do load it takes between 10 and 30 seconds.
Has anyone else had this issue, or do I need to adjust my set up? Thanks for any ideas :)
UPDATE: it was indeed the app I'm using. Everything is very snappy on voyager or my webbrowser
I read that for a book club last year! I thought her take on robots was very interesting and different from most other scifi. I liked the idea of machines being able to evolve over time and have their own personalities. I also really enjoyed the hopeful vibes the book had & was a big fan of having an enby and an asexual as the main characters :)
Also there's a sequel to it called a prayer for the crown shy if you didn't already know. Her wayfairers series is also pretty good. I'm reading though it currently.
It's so good! The plot is fast paced without being overwhelming. Its able to be meaningful, fun, and suspensful. Some of the animation sequences are gorgeous too.
I'm glad to hear other people enjoyed it as well :)
Common side effects, it's an adult swim animated series. Its so good! I binged it last night. Its about a guy who finds a cure all mushroom and is now being hunted by big pharma. I really reccomend it :)
These are so cool, I hope your patent gets granted so I can read more about your process :)
I'm into the color palette you choose for this one
I also got immediate ai vibes from the photo