This is a post by a person who has no experience whatsoever of managing enterprise IT. Businesses use Windows because of Active Directory, and InTune, and MS 365. The client-side OS itself, and its horrible usability problems, are irrelevant.
The Panzer Dragoon series. Just such a unique and compelling world and aesthetic, and Panzer Dragoon Saga remains one of the best RPGs ever made, even if the visuals have aged badly in some areas.
I think this is a tie between Bloodborne and Panzer Dragoon Saga. Absolute masterpieces, both. I replay both of them at least once a year, but it would be wonderful to go back in fresh.
It involves spending money, but I wonder whether a Synology NAS might suit you rather well? Synology Drive, Synology Photos et al make a pretty respectable replacement for the Googles.
This was also my experience. I played on PC. I think console players had a bad time though.