Linux phones are cool, but not ready for general use yet... unless that's changed recently, in which case I'll look into buying a PinePhone.
On desktop, I use Debian and FreeBSD.
Linux phones are cool, but not ready for general use yet... unless that's changed recently, in which case I'll look into buying a PinePhone.
On desktop, I use Debian and FreeBSD.
You'll be able to sideload. The mandate includes the EEA (which includes Switzerland), as well as the EU.
Thanks! The last one won't work, since it'll be all MicroG'ed, but those are still some great counterarguments.
To cut a long story short, it's 2.
So, I'm 17 and my Dad is an Apple fanboy. He started using Macs back in the '90s, and he's always been using their stuff. Over the years, he's managed to get my mum and her parents to ditch Android, and his parents to move on from their RAZRs. Now that everyone has iPhones, I have no hand-me-down routes. I have asked to get an Android, using my own money that I earned, but he always brings up the same arguments:
"Androids are inherently less secure than iPhones"
"We all use iPhones"
"Apple's proprietary ecosystem just works"
"I had an Android once. Once."
"Are you just trying to stop the Find My tracking? What if I need to find you?"
That last one could easily be misinterpreted. It's an emergency thing; he's not spying or anything. Don't worry.
I have an old Android in a drawer somewhere, but it's running 4.4, it isn't supported by any ROMs, and the battery barely lasts half an hour, so there's no point in trying to get it to work.
I'll also be going to university this year, so I should be able to get a cheap Pixel on eBay and flash GrapheneOS onto it soon enough.
I don't want an iPhone, and it's a long story as to why I'm stuck with one.
It wasn't my dumb idea.
I use ProtonVPN 24/7, and it hasn't changed anything. It's a firmware thing, I think.
I will as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
Aw, seriously? I'm getting worse at spotting that.