
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 20 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Zuckerberg has mental illness.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Don't use your phone at night. If you absolutely have to, enable adaptive warm light (if there's such a feature on your phone), which gradually turns the white balance to warm in the evening. This is because staring at the screen will send the signals to your brain to wake up, especially the blue-ish spectrum of light, plus whatever content you're engaging with (news, social media, texts from friends) will make your mind occupied.

But again, best is to not use your phone at all.

Read a book. Pick a topic you're interested in, buy a book and just read before you sleep. Yes, I see the contradiction - an interesting book will make your mind occupied too. Yet I find that a book relaxes me in my own world, while on your phone you'll meet many different topics, lots of quick stimuli, maybe that's why. I don't know.

These strategies work for me.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Thank you for showing me this valuable piece of information. No, I haven't seen these before.

Until now, I'm 100% confident that it's impossible to convince someone on the far-right of anything that's against their views, because I'm from a country that is 15 years ahead of the US on this tragic path into the dark future far away from common sense, thus I have a somewhat clear prediction for the general mental state of the people in the coming decades, which likely cannot be reversed in a century.

Yet, I'm thinking quite often, what I could do as an individual to at least somewhat better the situation in this miserable world. And so far all my ideas are based on withdrawal of content (much like how you take drugs away from a junkie) instead of adding arguments, which is obviously hard to pull off on a large scale.

Not that I could do anything though. Today you need to be rich to achieve something.

Nonetheless, maybe this is the missing piece to the puzzle. I'm considering to pay those extra bucks for that publication, also Welzel's book; they look promising. So thanks again for sharing.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Possible, but better not make it. When an algorithm has to promote something, there's bias behind it, whether it's a good intent or not. Even if it's all good content, some other, also good content might be missed, because the algorithm or the authority behind the algorithm misses it.

In my opinion, Mastodon is perfect as it is. You see what you're following. Or on the home page you see everything.

People should really really really learn to seek for quality content and develop a sense for quality and also to exercise critical thinking while trying to separate quality content from garbage. Pick what you wanna see and don't let yourself be influenced by a stupid algorithm.

Just consuming whatever an app pushes into your face makes you a brainless zombie in the long term.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I got the joke right away, I don't think there's any problem with it.

The thing is, no matter how obvious a contradiction is, far-right folks won't understand any of it, because they're so dumb. You cannot give them even the most basic, easily digestible facts and explanations, because even that requires a brain, which they don't have.

So I think, these kind of jokes are perfectly fine for our entertainment, and no amount of facts and information will ever convince the dumbest of the people.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

That's a great resource for when you know what you're looking for, but I wouldn't use it for learning new stuff. It's like if you were trying to learn a language from a dictionary.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

That's basically how I learned programming. I've bought a book I was interested in, an as I was progressing, always typed the sample codes by hand and tried them.

Even today I buy a bunch of programming books.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Hell yes. I'm a person who always valued my own privacy, but I didn't have much, especially during university plus almost ten years afterwards.

I lived with my brother in his tiny apartment, and my mom was most of the time living there too. My mom is a very nosy person, and it happened sometimes that I got home to seeing my personal belongings being re-arranged, some missing.

Sometimes she would just open my cabinet right in front of me and search for something in there like it's second nature, without even asking.

It was extremely infuriating and humiliating to me. And I feel so lucky and so peaceful now that I have my own apartment.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Whatever is more convenient.

Generally speaking I try to look for the app first, because that's the most optimized experience for mobile, while the browser version is often not very smooth. But apps lately are getting so awful that the browser version is better.

E.g. YouTube is in the browser for me, because Firefox + uBlock combo is the only way to avoid ads.

As ads today are to be avoided due to privacy and security reasons, I got rid of all apps that are flagged as "contains ads" in Google Play store.

Just a funny story from a few months ago: one day when I opened LinkedIn, an unusual screen welcomed me, that I couldn't jump over: I had to pick where I wanted ads to appear without the LinkedIn app, with two choices: either above private messages or in-between posts. I deleted the app instead. Then I wanted to use it in the browser, but it didn't work in Firefox, the website just froze after login. So yeah. No more LinkedIn for me. Sometimes I log in on desktop to see if there's anything, but it's getting so rare, basically there's nothing to see there.

So if neither is convenient to use, then I use neither.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 months ago

Don't use their services.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I've been using Deezer for almost a year now.

Things I like:

  • Duo subscription is suitable for long distance couples (this was the main reason I subscribed to Deezer and not Spotify).
  • Wide range of songs, even some pretty rare gems are available there.

Things I (we) don't like:

  • As others mentioned, discovering unknown songs is not really a thing on Deezer. Spotify was so good at giving me other songs than what I used to listen, and it aced it. Deezer cannot do that. It only has predefined lists with songs that everyone knows ("hits" in other word).
  • My girlfriend sometimes experiences lags, so probably in Asia they don't have servers.
[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

What do you mean? This is organized! And I have such a drawer too. This is the collection of slightly large kitchen tools that are not large enough to place them in the cupboard.

Whether every family has this drawer or not, I wouldn't know, so I'm not very helpful with settling your argument. I'd bet, every family has this drawer though. Because everyone must have those kinds of utensils, and there's no other logical place to store them. Some people hang some of them on the wall, but even then, there are some that cannot be hung on the wall. Those go into this drawer.


I'm looking for book recommendations in the topics mentioned in title.

I often find myself feeling down and not being able to accomplish anything, and the tendency has been increasing.

I cannot even work on my hobby projects, because I'm just staring at the screen and my brain is not functioning, which leads to launching a game or watching YouTube videos and waste time.

I cannot find the way out of this madness, and my last resort is to find some books that might help with my issue.

I don't wanna rely on search results on the internet, because I don't trust random compilations of "read these 10 books to be productive".

Well, this is optional, but in case the book you recommend indeed helped you, I'd be curious how permanent the impact was for you, if that makes sense. I know mostly it depends on the person; it's me who has to make the effort, not the book. But I'd be curious how easy it is for you to consistently maintain what you learned from the book.

Regarding the format, it has to be in epub. And I'd very much prefer DRM-free books, price doesn't matter. If the only good books are all DRM-enshittified, that sucks, but I'll consider that too if I have no other choice.

Thanks in advance if anyone can help with recommendations!


Scrum is an agile framework that, if applied properly, can boost the efficiency of teamwork. It is known to be versatile enough, so it could be applied in basically any sort of productive teamwork, even beyond IT (e.g. bakeries, government organizations, etc.)

However, I've never ever seen it being used anywhere else other than in software development, therefore I've always been curious if Scrum is actually being used outside of IT somewhere.


Hi everyone,

As I've been developing my Android app, I've quickly found myself in a situation, where all my @Composable functions are quite hectic, not really maintainable.

I am wondering, is there any guide for best practices regarding @Composable functions?

Thinking in Compose is a straightforward article, and it all makes sense - until I want to build something other than Hello World. Something more complex, I mean.

What I understand from the article is, that I should keep the logic out of these functions as much as possible, and pass only primitive types as parameters. Behavior should be kept in callback functions. This is very nice and clean, I like it, but then what should I do, when I have quite a lot of functions nested?

For example, on MainActivity I have a Scaffold, within that a NavHost with four different tabs, each with completely different content, some of them with a BottomSheet, which are also completely different for each tab (that has one), and some of the BottomSheets can call a Dialog, which again, has a form in it, and so on. So the hierarchy has quite a level of nesting. And if I understand the recommendation correctly from the article mentioned above, then I am supposed to keep the states and callback function definitions somewhere in MainActivity (or ViewModel), and pass everything through the entire hierarchy. Everything. The value of every single Text (those that cannot be hardcoded), all the list items to DropdownMenus, all the list items for Lists, literally everything. And then, according to the article, the renderer is smart enough to only recompose those elements that really changed.

To me this sounds tedious. I've also seen recommendations to just pass the ViewModel itself in order to reduce the number of parameters. But if I do that, then how would I make a @Preview out of it? Probably it's possible, but it wouldn't be convenient at all.

So what's a clean approach for designing a good @Composable function hierarchy?

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