
joined 2 years ago
[โ€“] herbglitch@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago
Biting wind tore at their hair and face, and yet it was more comforting than a warm hug. The road was too narrow for the speed at which they traveled. In front, saturated green smeared across the windshield, melding into dark browns and blacks of a mountain range.

"God, I missed this!" They said to no one in particular. The car's headlights flickered like they always do, but this time it seemed to be signaling agreement.

Mountain drives and star gazing used to be a weekly event. But life, as life is, had become too busy. Work, chores celebrations, and especially social media had clashed for their time, screaming and tearing, until they no longer felt human unless they were engaged in one of those activities.

They were grateful to their friend who galvanized them, even though the circumstances with which they texted did set a bit of worry in their heart. And as they neared their Shangri-La, excitement and worry wove a beautiful tapestry in their stomach.

Pavement melted into dirt, and soon enough they pulled into a small parking lot that housed only one other car. Equipped with only a dull flashlight, they trudged up a short path. Near the cusp of a smallish hill stood a very familiar figure. As the figure raised their arms, the hiker broke into a sprint. Both figures were too excited to restrain themselves and soon enough they clasped in a hug.

Both figures fell to the ground laughing, they looked up at the stars and lay quiet and comfortable in each other's presence. Soon though, the later of the two of them broke the silence, "It has been too long! How has life been?"

"Honestly, it's been real shit. But hey, I gotta see you today, so you know what? Today's a good day."

"Damn, well I'm happy we get to catch up. Honestly kind of felt like a piece of me was missing with out you! And you know I'm here for you if you have something on your mind."

After the pleasantries, they settled into a nice back and forth, catching up on what each other missed in the other's lives.

Hours passed and when they were all caught up, they settled into a very comfortable silence. They contentedly admired the beauty of the stars, basking in each other's presence.

A soft beep let the later of the two know it was time to leave. They begrudgingly got up to leave and their partner rose as well. "I really wish I could stay longer, but if I don't leave now, I'll probably not be able to sleep tonight. Can we meet up again next week?"

They looked at their partner and realized their breathing looked strange. Before they could mention it, their partner suddenly whispered in a hollow voice, "They're coming."

The later of the two confusedly asked, "what?"

But their partner couldn't respond. Their body contorted with their breathing, waves rippled from their chest outwards. And as their skin undulated, spherical chunks of what seemed to be small but random sizes disappeared from their body. Musculature, veins, and bones were visible due the missing segments, but even though the inside of their veins could be seen, blood did not gush from their body. This continued until there was noting left.

The lone figure collapsed to the ground in shock, and as they lifted their eyes to the heavens, they noticed the firmament bubbling.
[โ€“] herbglitch@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago
Cursing they raised their arm to throw the poorly sketched map to the ground. "Bastards! This map is bullshit!" Even though their frustration, they had to acknowledge the map makers were reputable people, so this map must be authentic. Their journey had started off well enough, the map had points of interest which the adventure followed fairly easily. Though a few hours ago, when the rain had started, was when everything started to go awry. The ink had blurred as the rain started to drizzle. Though after taking shelter from the downpour, the map seemed to clear up.

While walking, an oddly shaped tree glinted at it's base occasionally, the adventure's only landmark. A sign that the adventure was wondering in circles. After the seventh time noticing the tree, they decided they might as well get closer to see what was glinting at its base.

They waded through vines and mud until they entered the umbra of the tree. Even though this area was clouded in shadow, there still was an odd glint near its base. Once the adventurer had slogged close enough for the shapes outline to be disclosed, they noticed it was a sword.

At initial glance, the sword took the frustration the adventure felt and warped it into a such a visceral disgust that the adventurer yearned to destroy it. They noticed its tip was lodged into a rock embedded in the tree, and it made the adventurer even more upset. The rock glittered as if it was eyes of a demon.

The adventurer snatched at the blade in a desperate motion. Every sense in their body screamed at them to destroy it. And as their hand made contact they gasped in pain. Curved spikes protruded from their hand, gluing the adventurer to the blade, and leaving their hand a bloody mess. Though as their surprise passed, the adventurer's gasp morphed into a scream that shook the branches of nearby trees, and sent wildlife scattering. By the time they reclaimed their senses enough to fight through their pain, they noticed dark green vines sewn through their lower arm. The vines slowly moved, puncturing skin, as they sutured a nonexistent wound.

The deeper the vines wove, the less pain the adventurer felt. As if the act of watching the vines was an anesthetic. Their body dulled until they felt a vine gently push through the skin on their neck, and then there was nothingness.

A low dry raspy chuckle leaked from behind a door she was currently motionless in front of. The chuckle progressed until it became full-throated and then stopped just as quickly. There was a soft crash and a few seconds later she opened the door. On the floor there was a fresh corpse that she glanced at apathetically. She walked forward curious of the text on a computer screen a few paces ahead. It read:

./judgement 12713600 -s "Homo Sapien"
[Warning] species "Homo Sapien" selected, are you sure you want to target humans (y/n): y
[Warning] no measure selected, defaulting to meters

00:43 [############-------------------------------------] 24%

She watched as the progress bar ticked up, when it finished the terminal read:

02:27 [#################################################] 100%

All humans within a 12713600 meter radius have been judged and dealt with accordingly.
[Warning] 9 humans could not be judged, would you like to try again (y/n): 

The block cursor slowly blinked waiting for input.

//Note: please let me know if this type of writing prompt does not fit within this community and I'll take it down