Original post: https://lemmy.world/post/23645197
Hi all! Since my last post I've been hard at work on Manatee Fitness. I polished the core functionality and ended up feature creeping myself. I wasn't intending to add weight tracking or goal calculations but once I got into a groove I just kept going.
The most exciting part is that I finally have a real icon!
Beyond that, I figured out how to build an APK via github actions so now anyone willing to give the app a try is able to easily download and install it! I welcome any feedback from users. One important thing to keep in mind before trying it out is that it is currently focused on foods available in the US. I want to eventually expand the scope to more countries but I'll get to that once I have a stable release.
I'm also happy to take any contributions from the community! I have issues written up for all the bugs and new features on my current roadmap to the first stable release.
And finally, I want to give a shoutout to the 2 existing foss apps in this space that I know of:
My competitive drive to one up them is a huge reason I made as much progress on Manatee Fitness as I have.
Presidential primaries are the weird ones because they're spread over all the states. Otherwise candidates just need to do whatever to get on the ballot(usually gather signatures) and then win the election. Parties can throw their weight behind one candidate in particular but that's not the same as declaring a winner. AOC got into Congress by beating a party backed incumbent in a primary.