Pray tell what risk is going to be worse than death?
Reaching adulthood?
No. Everyone knows there are no cars older than 25 years in existence.
I would have the common passwords stored in a separate table in plain text then use the faker library to generate the password buddies
Every time I see your copyright notice the day that text gets reproduced by an LLM verbatim draws nearer.
I always glance at the community name before reading the post title and this community created that habit
Eggs are an ingredient for most types of cake
Viking age. Not actual vikings mind, just their contemporaries.
Turns out he's a 'leftist" after all
I had a similar thought. How many of these are the owner using vandalism as a cover.
Basically this joke
I feel like if someone came out with a car that respects your privacy and doesn't pull shit like this they'd sell the hell out of it, but then again the average consumer seems willing to roll over and take it so here we are
He died in 1980, about 12 years before this comic was published.
Reaching adulthood?