The freedom to run their own country whether that's into the ground or into prosperity its the right of the vietnamese to self govern. How you correlate colonialism and democracy as the same thing is interesting.
There's so many providers and sketchy ppl you can pay for access to IPTV and there's even plenty of free playlists that provide tons of content. Who's actually providing these services and how does it work that theres so many middlemen/resellers?
My statement was far too broad for it to be "setting a bar of entry". YouTube is trying to squeeze its viewers for every drop they can without having uploaders and im obviously not talking about the little guy here shoulder any of that cost. Who in your mind is responsible for the cost associated with lets say a Mr Beast video? Is it Mr Beast or is it the viewer? I think it's both.
Youtube is squeezing one party really hard while pretending the other party doesn't owe shit to keep their monopoly. Start charging uploaders. If YouTube needs to up what they're earning because of things like bandwidth cost and what not make uploaders cover some of that cost. They're a business making money off of the platform so charge them.
They grow your food and usually make shit you need to survive because they can be taken advantage of. This creates a culture where they don't always have as much or access to the same things urban dwellers do. What a condescending statement to make.
At my last contract ratification someone said if we wanted to make more $$ vote trump and the entire place started cheering like crazy.