If only there was something the American people could do about this.
This is another one of those ‘scary and must riot’ thresholds.
Americans are known to miss that boat. Remember when Americans rioted over the 1985 MOVE bombing in Philadelphia when they dropped bombs on the city and let blocks burn? Or that time when Americans rioted over the police and government firebombing Tulsa? Or that time Americans rioted over the people who caused the '08 financial crisis not receiving justice?
Pretty soon it'll be anti-MAGA telling on their anti-MAGA neighbors to protect themselves from MAGA. "I would do something but I have kids to take care of" crowd will be the first to betray their own.
"I'll stand peacefully on a sidewalk holding up a sign to defend democracy, so long as no harm comes to me." - Americans
It could stop tomorrow if Americans had the courage.
"When the truth walks away, everybody stays 'cuz the truth about the world is that crime does pay. So if you walk away, who is gonna stay? 'Cuz I like to think the world is a better place."
Then Trump will be legally allowed to invade the hague.
"The United States is not a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The American Service-Members' Protection Act authorizes the President of the United States to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court". This authorization led to the act being nicknamed "The Hague Invasion Act",[4] since the act would allow the president to order military action in The Hague, the seat of the ICC, to prevent American or allied officials and military personnel from being prosecuted or detained by the ICC.[5]"
EDIT - While I realize this doesn't apply to sanctions, it still sets a scary precedent for checking USA's actions.
MTV becoming a viral "reality" TV show hosting things like "The Real World" I think brought awful qualities to the mainstream, then social media gave everyone the opportunity to be THAT viral reality tv star. It may have started with Jerry, but MTV spread it to the masses. At the end of the day it was all driven by the pursuit of profits. All roads lead to capitalism, after all.
An almost unnoticeable 1% of that is £360 billion, imagine what could be done with just that! Half would probably propel humanity forward, says everything you need to know about these wealth hoarders.
I know, which is why Americans are fucked. They don't even have a shared history, let alone reality or morals. I mean, most Americans don't know about how the police dropped bombs on Philadelphia in 1985, let alone even protest or start a riot over it. 341 million Americans agreed not to riot over that one.
I also struggle to see how "Africans are to blame for global warming" the same way Americans are to blame for their own countrymen's actions.
EDIT - Just to add, I find it intriguing that you're so quick to blame Africans for the sake of a strawman argument. Not a good look, kinda looks American.