The reason I switched from Gboard was because it autocorrected a capital "I" to a small "i"
Asus ZenPhone? Have you been living under a rock these past few months lol
Man that would be great. My business is on Zoho Mail and I've been thinking of moving it over elsewhere. Would be great if Zoho also offered something like Takeout for importing the mails elsewhere
Did you import that email elsewhere? Or is it in a readable format that is even usable? Would love to know
Just wait until Google eventually kills it off lol
IIRC, that is literally just a skinned KDE Connect lol. Probably even just a name change. Never used Zorin, but this is what I remember either DistroTube or Chris Titus saying.
I'm currently reading Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper, which is the first book in the Dark is Rising sequence.
I first read this book years ago, and what has stuck me ever since was the vivid use of imagery by Cooper. I've also watched the movie, but it's the book that has always stuck with me.
This is usually a function that full blown media servers offer.
Jellyfin is the one that jumps to mind with this functionality, however I haven't really this functionality out as of yet.
Isn't that still the case there?
I remember it being a huge thing on r/cinematography and r/praisethecameraman
Back in the day, it was a really great way to find new apps. And by back in the day, I mean when it was still called the Android Market.
Its initial transition to Play Store in the ICS era also wasn't too bad. It still kept a lot of the good things from Android Market. But since the launch of Lollipop, things have really deteriorated. It might not have really been the fault of Google, but there's a lot more noise with subpar apps that crowd the store now. There's also the incessant ads for sketchy apps featured prominently that leaves a bad aftertaste in your mouth.
Like you, I've probably spent like 30 minutes on the Play Store over the last 4 years probably. Every app I want today is either on F-Droid, or already pre-installed on my phone. Or they're PWAs, and it's easy to install them just by going to the website.
I know one guy in one of our Telegram chats that simply loves their Android turtle emoji