
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 46 minutes ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 52 minutes ago

Two party one system

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Marching orders if I ever saw some. Drop a neutron bomb on the investors class. I think a good anti-AI FUD campaign might get off the hook. Something good enough to crash every silicon valley bank!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 14 hours ago

Sorry but then you will have to continue living on your knees, drinking verification cans at their mercy and pray they don't alter the deal again (they will).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Analyzing text from a different point of view than your own. I call that "synthetic second opinion"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Does this "tizen" not have a web browser?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Let's reassess for accuracy in 4 years if we still are alive. I'm calling it, no kessler anti-sat weapon will be our biggest regret before they take out our aerospace sector. We have no chance to defend under US spysats

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Yes, I used to respond ever plex user try emby/jellyfin, not really knowing the difference

Looked into it and, it's going to turn out like plex again! Fuck them! Jellyfin all the way.

This always ends up happenning when you choose non copyleft software

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (7 children)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Americans aren't interested in that, the sooner we prepare to receive the invaders the better.

They're going to kill all who resist and enslave the rest.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

National gpu registry!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Anything that runs android, but still, just get an old laptop with a broken screen and duct tape it to the back of the screen


One frustrating trend I’ve noticed in many open-source projects is maintainers closing issues as quickly as possible—often in a dismissive and even confrontational manner. It sometimes feels like a game, where the goal is to shut down as many issues as possible rather than foster meaningful discussion.

But here’s the thing: issues aren’t just demands for the maintainer to do work. They serve a much bigger purpose in open-source projects:

✅ They help users realize they’re not alone—people with the same issue can come together, share insights, or even hire someone to solve it.

✅ They serve as documentation—a record of what’s been discussed, what problems exist, and what solutions have been proposed.

✅ They create opportunities for new contributors—someone trying their hand at coding might pick up an issue, or someone with the same problem might decide to implement a fix.

✅ They signal what users actually need—even if the maintainer doesn’t plan to fix something, an open issue can indicate demand to potential contributors.

But when an issue gets shut down immediately, all of this breaks down. Closed issues don’t appear in GitHub’s default search, meaning 99% of people who might have seen it now won’t. This leads to:

  • Duplicate issues because users can’t find past discussions.
  • Missed opportunities for new contributors to pick up low-hanging fruit.
  • Users feeling unheard, which can make them disengage from the project entirely.
  • Preventing others from seeing the issue and potentially contributing.

So why do some maintainers do this? Why Maintainers Close Issues So Aggressively

There are a few common reasons:

🔹 Burnout & Overload – Many maintainers are drowning in issues, and closing them fast is a survival mechanism.

🔹 Entitlement Fatigue – Dealing with demanding users can make maintainers defensive and dismissive, even toward good-faith issues.

🔹 “Keeping the Board Clean” Mentality – Some maintainers see issues as a to-do list, not a place for discussion. They close anything that doesn’t fit their personal roadmap.

🔹 Power Trip – Let’s be honest—some people just like saying “no.” They get used to shutting things down and enjoy exerting control.

🔹 Lack of Interest – Not every maintainer wants new features or community discussions. Some prefer to build things their own way and reject anything that doesn’t align.

Of course, every project is different, and maintainers have the right to decide how they manage their issue tracker. But closing everything by default discourages contribution and community involvement. A Better Approach?

Instead of aggressively shutting things down, maintainers could:

✅ Leave issues open for discussion, even if they don’t plan to act on them.

✅ Use labels like “help wanted” or “waiting for contributors” instead of closing things outright.

✅ Let issues sit for a while to gauge community interest. If nobody cares, they’ll fade naturally. If people keep commenting, that’s a sign it’s worth keeping open.

✅ Recognize that open-source isn’t just about code—it’s about community. The issue tracker isn’t just for them, it’s for everyone who might contribute.

What’s your experience with this? Have you seen issue-closing behavior that helped or hurt a project?


Can someone explain to me

  1. Why does he think Trump the yaphead would ever shut up about anything ever
  2. What good are "bilateral talks" with someone that can't keep their word anyway ?

What is the point here trying to show everyone just how much of a illequipped, stay-the-course, liberal empty suit he is and how he's going to boldly going to try to "do the same thing we've always done except not woke this time and hope it keeps working"

Don't these people understand that the US is only good at one thing and it's eating liberal banking stiffs alive ?

Are they trying to lose on purpose ?


What os happenning!!!! ? Is this the licensing stuff I've not been following !? The internet is horrible, every page is a flashbang and the ads omg the ads. The internet is dying!


This should be easy, right ?



I am setting up a lemmy instance for a small private group. They are not very technically literate and I don't want to have to explain the concept of joining the right communities as part of the onboarding process.

So I want to pre-load all the right default communities to each user when they create an account. Is there a way to accomplish this ?

thanks !



Just booted up lemmy-ui instance for the first time

It asks for "Set Up Site Administrator"

But as you can see when I press signup, nothing really happens

If I try to login with that account it says "Toastify is awesome!"

When I check the logs I get

root@storage:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                   COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                NAMES
888bfbdd1e18   dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.7              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   21 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes (healthy)   1234/tcp             lemmy-lemmy-ui-1
f60bba3c14ae   dessalines/lemmy:0.19.7                 "lemmy_server"           21 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes             8536/tcp             lemmy-lemmy-1
2669e16088ca   pgautoupgrade/pgautoupgrade:17-alpine   "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   21 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes (healthy)   5432/tcp             lemmy-postgres-1
f8bf46b02c08   mwader/postfix-relay                    "/root/run"              21 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes             25/tcp               lemmy-postfix-1
de4ad69c761e   asonix/pictrs:0.5.16                    "/sbin/tini -- /usr/…"   21 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes             6669/tcp, 8080/tcp   lemmy-pictrs-1
root@storage:~# docker logs lemmy-lemmy-1
Lemmy v0.19.7
Federation enabled, host is
Starting HTTP server at
root@storage:~# docker logs lemmy-lemmy-ui-1
Lemmy-ui v0.19.7 started listening on
31 translation imports verified.
93 date-fns imports verified.
4 highlight.js imports verified. (Only testing 4 samples.)

Not sure where to go from there ?!


URL is

Is there an addon to defeat this right-click disable method ?

thanks !


Expressing your needs, especially when related to health, can be delicate. Here’s a way to frame it that focuses on your health concerns and care, while also being considerate of the relationship:

"Hey, I’ve been thinking a lot about my health, and I recently read that regular intimate activity, around 21 times a month, could help lower the risk of prostate cancer. I know this might sound like a specific number, but it's something I’d like to work towards for my well-being.

I’d love for us to share more closeness not just for this reason but also because I feel it deepens our connection. I want to be open and honest with you about my needs, but I also want to make sure you're comfortable and that we find a balance that works for both of us.

How do you feel about this?"


BTW this is on gigabit internet

It is quite annoyting, it prevents some other addons like close duplicates from running at all, as it does not run as long as there is something loading

Fortunately, "Stop all" does work to shut them off

This is a new behaviour from today, possibly ?

I just gave it a try, openned 3 tabs and waited 60 seconds, they didn't finish loading.

I tried turning off ublock, no effect


Issue has resolved itself after a reboot. This is a system with a amd 5950x and 64gb ram.

Libre and Free A Linux Legacy (song) (

The select-after-closing-current addon is a way to pullout a random tab out of a window, which will not change the tab that was visible in that window.

However, what it does is any closed tab, it will select the previously seen tab no matter what.

The reason for my question, I would like to know if it is possible for the add-on to have a different behaviour for closed tabs from pulled out tabs.

I wish, when I close a tab, to always select the tab to the right. But when I pullout a tab, I wish to always see the tab that was visible before the pullout.


And I'm curious if I could map my keys to make Freecad work this way. I don't know how many of the these tools don't exist in Freecad, but if I could one to one make a keybind that works for me, I might start using it instead of sketchup 8

But mostly, this is the because general CAD community on lemmy and I wanted to share, ciao!

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