Okular, comes with Linux
I was confused by the perspective lol, didn't realise it was a bowl on a counter
I thought that was her shit, and the title was saying, basically, "looks like she needs some medicine". Like, yeah, i agree lmao
Not together - married but separated.
A healthy cocktail of all three perhaps
When the joke is "women be gold diggin'", the joke was ruined from the start
That is literally placing the blame on the woman
"If she weren't such a gold digger, she'd want me"
The whole, "they want the wrong thing" is incredibly common in incels.
Who TF is still using CentOS?
The word "incel" might not have been coined yet, but at this point, "incel" basically just describes "man who blames women for his inability to attract them", and that's definitely nothing new
Looks like Olga is taking the front shot herself
I know I've got you cornered, now, because you gave up on making points and resorted to solely name calling
I called you names, but at least I had rationale and reasoning
True, my bad