
joined 2 years ago
[–] 11 points 1 week ago

Stay classy 'murica!

[–] 14 points 1 week ago

New recruitment process, who this?

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I am not sure if your usecase can be fulfilled with dristrobox, it may be worth to try

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Flatpaks and Snaps are supposed to replace native distro packaging, in order to be distro agnostic (you could run it on any distro), the issue with Snaps is that it depends on Canonical's mood and it is Ubuntu "native", whereas Flatpak is way more used elsewhere.

There is AppImages as well, but it used to a lesser extent.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

It depends on the specifics of the install script, it could be it called to directly download and install the binaries (no packaging), or it ran a set of validations then download and install a native package (.deb in this case).

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Sonarr takes care of it

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)
[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Oh no! The USA meddling with foreign goverments because bananas? Unconceivable!

[–] 13 points 1 month ago

I would add to always check for portability. The service should provide a way to export/move your data without much hassle, and in a reasonable format that you can reuse your data elsewhere. If you are bound to an exclusive format or service, it has more chances to get enshityfied.

[–] 31 points 1 month ago

You mean the gobernador of New Old New Mexico?

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

They are arresting people. They need to investigate if those people are immigrant, then investigate if they are there under an irregular status, then they have to investigate in order to find out if any crime has been commited.

People is not illegal. Those arrests/detentions seem to be the illegal part.


I am on a quest to substitute my phone default apps with something more privacy and security oriented ones. One of such apps I plan to substitute is the "Contacts" one, and I see no Proton app exists solely for this purpose.

I know I can see my contacts details within the email app, but it seems not to be the way it should be, as it adds clicks for the contacts to be shown, where a single click on an specific contacts app is way more useable ant intuitive.

Are plans to make such app on the roadmap?


I've been streaming to my chromecast having jellyfin-androidtv 0.16.11 without much issues, but from a few days now everytime I try to reproduce any video, even those previously reproduced on the device, all I get is a dark screen with the controls, but nothing is reproduced.

I have updated my Jellyfin server to 10.9.7, but that does not seem to be the issue. I can reproduce media via web, via the media player (flatpak com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player 1.11.1) and the android app 2.6.1,

On the logs I can see the following:

[17:09:56] [INF] [140] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS request
[17:10:16] [INF] [140] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Current/Max sessions for user franscsi: 2/0
[17:10:16] [INF] [140] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Creating new access token for user 95a57f2d-09f0-443b-9cae-b19d75b04e91
[17:10:20] [INF] [41] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS request
[17:10:20] [INF] [199] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS closed
[17:10:32] [INF] [42] Jellyfin.Api.Helpers.MediaInfoHelper: User policy for franscsi. EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[17:10:32] [INF] [42] Jellyfin.Api.Helpers.MediaInfoHelper: User policy for franscsi. EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[17:10:33] [INF] [42] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: Adding playback tracker : 1cb0e216a28cd039102c4a0d62434ad40b12129a-95a57f2d09f0443b9caeb19d75b04e91-24a1ef94dfc5ffa91064384597dc1477
[17:10:33] [INF] [42] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.Data.PlaybackTracker: PlaybackTracker : Adding Start Event : 07/08/2024 17:10:33
[17:10:33] [INF] [42] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: Creating StartPlaybackTimer Task
[17:10:33] [INF] [42] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : Entered
[17:10:33] [INF] [25] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: Processing playback tracker : 1cb0e216a28cd039102c4a0d62434ad40b12129a-95a57f2d09f0443b9caeb19d75b04e91-24a1ef94dfc5ffa91064384597dc1477
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: session.RemoteEndPoint :
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : event_playing_id     = 24a1ef94dfc5ffa91064384597dc1477
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : event_user_id        = 95a57f2d09f0443b9caeb19d75b04e91
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : event_user_id_int    = 1
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : session_playing_id   = 24a1ef94dfc5ffa91064384597dc1477
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : session_user_id      = 95a57f2d09f0443b9caeb19d75b04e91
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : play_method          = DirectPlay
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : e.ClientName         = Android TV
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : e.DeviceName         = SalonTV
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : ItemName             = The Seven Deadly Sins - s02e09 - Una promesa a una amada
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : ItemId               = 24a1ef94dfc5ffa91064384597dc1477
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : ItemType             = Episode
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : All matches, playback registered
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: Playback tracker found, adding playback info : 1cb0e216a28cd039102c4a0d62434ad40b12129a-95a57f2d09f0443b9caeb19d75b04e91-24a1ef94dfc5ffa91064384597dc1477
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: Saving playback tracking activity in DB
[17:10:53] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: StartPlaybackTimer : Exited
[17:10:54] [INF] [117] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: Processing playback tracker : 1cb0e216a28cd039102c4a0d62434ad40b12129a-95a57f2d09f0443b9caeb19d75b04e91-24a1ef94dfc5ffa91064384597dc1477
[17:11:05] [INF] [25] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Playback stopped reported by app Android TV 0.16.11 playing Una promesa a una amada. Stopped at 0 ms
[17:11:05] [INF] [200] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: Playback stop tracker found, processing stop : 1cb0e216a28cd039102c4a0d62434ad40b12129a-95a57f2d09f0443b9caeb19d75b04e91-24a1ef94dfc5ffa91064384597dc1477
[17:11:05] [INF] [200] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.Data.PlaybackTracker: PlaybackTracker : Adding Stop Event : 07/08/2024 17:11:05
[17:11:05] [INF] [200] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint: Saving playback tracking activity in DB
[17:11:25] [INF] [25] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionWebSocketListener: Sending ForceKeepAlive message to 1 inactive WebSockets.
[17:11:37] [WRN] [212] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketConnection: WS error receiving data: The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.
[17:11:37] [INF] [212] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS closed
[17:13:28] [WRN] [197] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketConnection: WS error receiving data: The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.
[17:13:28] [INF] [197] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS closed

It makes no difference if I set the app to reach the server via IP or the reverse proxy.

I have looked for open issues but have found nothing related, so I don't know if this is just me or if it would be worth to open a issue.


I have recently moved to this place, and before winter I went to install trvs on the water circulated radiators in order to have some more control over the temp (there used to be manual valves).

Now that the colder days are about to end, I have a question on how would be the best (or recommended) way to maintain those valves when not used. I have read that the thermic piece on the valve may get stuck after a long period of no use, so I am wondering if it would be best to have the valve fully closed (if it gets stuck, should it loose after the circuit warms up again?), or to leave it fully open (so it looses by closing it when needed),

I am from a more tropical climate country where heating in winter is not really necessary, so I am a total strange on how these things should work. All advice is welcome.

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