And Trump is constitutionally ineligible to be president currently as well as for a 3rd term. But it doesn’t seem to affect him at all.
They are incapable of admitting they are wrong. It is a cult mind virus.
Every car company is anti-public transportation. That’s their business model.
Neither is science. These are the kids who set in the back of the class and got D’s and got passed by the teacher because they didn’t want to deal with them for another year.
Why is this news to anyone? He has been screwing over working class people since his casino days. His great business plan was “don’t pay any contractors until they sue me in court”.
What a surprise he is doing the same now starting with government employees.
So who is going to enforce these rulings? The police?
They are setting up to buy everything once the US economy fire sale really gets going. Pennies on the dollar. If you think the middle class is even exists now, just wait till everyone is poor and underprivileged.
Spent my whole paycheck at the company store.
What did you think was going to happen you spineless neoliberal!?
Who is going to buy your book anyway? These political books seem like a money laundering operation. I can’t imagine there are so many people lining up to buy these political hacks writings.
This is so broadly written it can apply to just about anything. Considering how puritanical America is about anything sex related, this will definitely be abused.
They think it’s better to repress peoples natural sex drive if it is anything outside of traditional puritanical marriage. They tell themselves that sex is only for making babies, yet any type of violence is apparently socially acceptable.
The sad part is that repression often leads to some sort of perversion or kink anyway. So this type of legislation often leads to the issue that it is attempting to solve.
If just talking to your kids about sex at the appropriate age is too awkward, have the government pass draconian laws instead! Problem solved. /s
Unfortunately yes. That would be called consequences.