
joined 3 months ago

Hi! Small question to community

I have 12 videos wich have no sound, but subtitles "fixed" in them without separate SRT file

If there Ai or program to recognize them and\or translate to other languages?



Hey everyone!

There is an Open Source PCB for making DIY Mesh node with NRF52840 + RA-62 called FakeTec supported by community

Can i wonder if someone done same, but for combine NRF52840 + E22 (Like E22-400M30S or such) ? Or can help with developing? 30\33dB more powerful and still usable in many place's of the world

Thanks :)



Not long ago i discovered programm called Rattlegram, wich allows to transmit text messages over Radio https://github.com/aicodix/rattlegram

Now, i wonder, if there any ways to use it from laptop too? GUI (!) Desktop version for Win\Lin\Mac ?

The developer said : "@bastibl rewrote the C++ Rattlegram modem in Rust and added it to FutureSDR: https://github.com/FutureSDR/FutureSDR https://github.com/FutureSDR/FutureSDR/tree/main/examples/rattlegram "

But yet, i miss and lost what steps to be done to make it installed?



Hi everyone!

I wish i could translate whole web-blog and all articles in it to my own language , then download it as Single (or few) HTML file's with pictures and etc.

For example this one: https://digital-cleaning.de/

If there any tool wich can allow me to do so?

Of course, i can visit each page separately, use translator and then copy-paste it, but maybe there any way to automate it? I used SinglePage addon for Firefox and edited code, but too routine ๐Ÿฅฒ



Hi everyone! ๐Ÿ˜€

Found cool program that you can use to backup\save important file like pgp key, mnemonic and much more (up to 1.9 KiB) in encrypted QR-code and store\share it on a paper

It works only from CLI, but wish to ask, and hope to find someone who can help:

  • To make Small GUI and multiplatform release, for example AppImage, Deb, Flatpak or probably one page HTML version? So users can visually works with it not only from CLI

  • Later add release of .apk file for Android to generate\scan protected QR's and decrypt them?

I could help with translations on other languages ;)

Thanks! โœŒ๏ธ


Hey! โœŒ๏ธ

Open up for myself and want to share it with everyone this cool program to create LAN over Internet (P2P) -> https://gitlab.com/Monsterovich/lanemu/

I had success to create\join room but not chat, not ping ain't works for me

Does anybody had try it or could try? Maybe there's something blocking over NAT settings, don't know... I also don't get how it works over Torrent\DHT connection ๐Ÿฅฒ

Maybe any alternatives? I know Tailscale and NetBird, but maybe there's some more?

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘