Don't call GunZ shitty! I'll double butterfly your face, or something. It's been a while.
"No, mom. Don't click on that link. It's a scam."
"I disagree, it looks like a great opportunity!"
Mickey Mouse himself. I heard he's like a ruthless mafia boss.
Probably just jumped onto another roof (can't recall if there were other similar sized buildings or not), or cherry brought him some clothes.
Fisk knows, but he was probably just implying that protecting a cop killer is as bad as being a cop killer for the media.
Fun fact, during the episode there's a short section where they show a bus stop with an ad for a Guarana drink: That seems to be the drink they make at the plant Bruce Banner worked in Brazil in the Incredible Hulk
Do you have suckers on your fingers or nerves of steel? How's that switch staying up? I request a series of increasingly complex pictures demonstrating how you're holding everything up.
My dyslexic ass read that as "protesting" but my brain refused to think that was a sentence that made sense and I read it again and Yep. There it is.
"one of", not "the"? Now I'm wondering what could someone like him regret more than the choice that literally killed him?
I think he's also smoking Cheetos ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ