Please tell me how supportive Lenin was of the Workers' Soviets as soon as the revolution got calmer.
When do you call something a continent? Just vibes, I guess. All I am saying is that the dish has a much longer history than 200 years.
That's documented serving. You don't seriously believe that a slow stew on the basis of meat, wine and misofritto only appeared in the 19th century?
Intelligence is inherited, but evenly distributed over the population/across (so called) ethnic groups You're skimming over a wikipedia article, but the guy you're replying to isn't off the mark.
Easy to say to starving children. (Which is what happened in op's article)
Considering the gravity of the situation, those numbers are devastatingly low.
Two weeks ago in Munich 250000 people protested against a fascist party -- before elections even started. Just to put things into perspective.
It's telling that nowhere in this thread there's mention of the US demolishing it's relationship with its most important ally, Europe.
The US is a lost cause, nationally and globally. It might save it's state, but repairing a (already wobbly) international reputation will take decades.
Calles 'empire in decay' hahaha
Serbia is not former Warsaw pact.
It's irrelevant whether other apps do it -- it's still wrong.
It means the USSR was already industrializing -- and Stalin made sure that process would be (1) tightly controlled by the state & (2) would benefit primarily the imperial core of Russia.
If you think capital does not bear relevance to the development of the USSR, you have not understood Leninism.
The USSR killed Jews en masse, mostly as elements of a 'cosmopolitan bourgeoisie' (clear antisemitic dogwhistle) or simply as Jews. He also directed his cabinet to collaborate with the Nazis in their holocaust, firing Litvinov as FM and installing Molotov with clear instructions to comply with the Nazis. Heck, even Khrushchev admitted that Stalin died on the cusp of engineering a holocaust of his own. I will refrain on commenting how he treated other minorities.
Mate, we're here for fun. You're making someone do homework.