domestic terrorism as a tactic
Imagine if we had Police who don't terrorize people based on a phone call directing them to what should be a well known address in their area.
domestic terrorism as a tactic
Imagine if we had Police who don't terrorize people based on a phone call directing them to what should be a well known address in their area.
Oh, you could make Waffle Biscuits which hold onto the gravy and egg… Oh my.
Tonight; Scotch, it's not bad but it's not amazing. Want; Scotch, from my club which sends bottles from an individual barrel with a number less than 200… rarest and best of liquors I've personal encountered.
That's what Mountain Dew was created for!
Visions and hallucination are not uncommon in meditation practice. In Zen training we're reminded that the mind generates thoughts and visions like the eyes generate sight, the ears sound and so on… The instruction in that context is not to cling to the vision so that you can return to object-less meditation.
If you are interested in how some of the older meditation traditions view different meditative states, search for Jhana or Dhyana, sentient beings have been doing this for a long time and there is a lot of helpful guidance out there to support your practice.
"Protest Convoy" or "Anti-Immigrant Caravan"
Underrated comment.
”Make sure you spell my name right"
Chevron? You mean the oil company previously known as Exxon until they had a little boating accident in Alaska?
Oh, she pretty much has to stay out of the sun, bet her SPF cream is as thick as Trump's tanner.
Honestly, people being able to get tested known doses of various drugs of choice would save a lot of lives and create a lot of opportunity to intervene and help people recover. Making drugs illegal just causes miser and funds crime.
They don't teach about Configuration Management in web-dev bootcamp