No porn is appealing. Nothing against porn but I read Lemmy in public a lot and i hate playing whack a mole with nsfw communities.
Not liking what I've seen from the moderation lately.
Probably "read only"/neighboring dimensions. Can't change the timeline you came from. If you could there's just no way there wouldn't be evidence of people doing it.
But otherwise I guess "all changes due to time travel have already happened" as incompatible with free will as it is.
Rise of the Golden Idol
At one office i worked in the guy on the other side of the cubicle wall from me was a loud eater and constant snacker. Drove me insane. Sound of people eating just completely puts me on edge.
AI is the opposite of funny
Imgur also blocks VPNs these days
This is absolutely true, the hardest part of quitting smoking has never been getting rid of the nicotine addiction. It's not starting again the next time you're at a bar and your friend goes outside for a smoke and offers you one.
Yeah, I switched to vaping for a few years, slowly tapered my nicotine, and quit. Been about 5 years since I smoked.
Black Friday sales
It's ff14, and the actual playtime is none of your fucking business.
Absolutely, critical for temperature regulation.