EV Camino
joined 2 years ago
¿Por qué no los dos? (a phrase that itself is both of the 2010s and also timeless)
...and now she knows where you live.
21 times in a row (well, except for that one play of It's Not Unusual)
Reminds me of the ship from Gatchaman/G-Force/Battle of the Planets (just needs a new paint job and some minor modifications)
If anyone has vision impairment or otherwise can't view the image, then they can still participate in the discussion about it.
There are more vulgar ones in Spain:
Me la suda ("la" refers to "la polla"): It makes my dick sweat
Me la pela: It peels my dick
Me importa una mierda: That matters a shit to me
Obviously, this last one is closer to "I don't give a shit," but it's essentially the same sentiment.