So, I managed to fix it. One of the solutions I had already tried was to downgrade to 19.0.0 with daybreak. However, while that let me play a few games (Tetris Effect), I encountered an error when launching others (MK8D), specifically: "The software needs to be updated", which can normally be solved by just letting it download the update through the Internet. But, when connected to the Internet on the downgraded version my console would crash (with CFW or not). What ended up doing the trick was downgrading to 18.0.0 while offline permanently. I can install any version of any game I want with no issues! I am leaving this comment for anyone's future needs.
joined 4 months ago
Head over to and put your switch's serial number. (It's located on the bottom of your switch under a barcode.) If it says it is unpatched you don't require soldering skills and only need a switch RCM jig. follow this guide "" and it's as easy as the 3ds. However if it is patched, you require soldering skills...