Not the fault of Linux, but these are still the "problem" OP asked about regarding switching to Linux.
my main problems are the lack of support for Adobe programs and several online games
Edit: I guess a more accurate phrasing would have been "lack of support from..."
Yup, Orbán lost an election in 2002, and he couldn't cope with it. So once he became PM again in 2010 (with a landslide majority of seats), he set to making sure he's never kicked out of power again. Now, 15 years later, Hungary has been mostly turned into an oligarchic dictatorship, the only steps he hasn't taken yet are disappearing people and overt application of violence :/
There is a recent community project that focuses on federating Bluesky without the Bluesky devs' involvement:
Is it ADHD that makes it far, far preferable to just get a page I can review and pore over and repeat a few times, or is it just a learning style that isn’t passive?
Probably the learning style. I don't have ADHD, but I can't tolerate someone slowly explaining something over a 10 mins video. I know specifically what I need information about, so I need to be in control of the experience. A text tutorial I can skim until I get to the relevant part, but videos usually feel like they're wasting my time. The only time I prefer videos over text is for DIY instructions where the physical actions are better conveyed in motion.
(Feels related to that I very rarely watch TV or films, and even when I do, I get antsy after half hour of just sitting around staring out of my face. So I tend to watch movies in half-hour sessions, which I often can't be bothered to pick up again lol, and leave them unfinished for years 🙈 In a nutshell I much prefer video games as a hobby :D)
Yea, this reddit comment is the best summary of his behaviour I've seen:
Trump's thing is being completely uninhibited. He doesn't have that little voice in his head saying "no that would be stupid" or "you will face consequences if you grab the cop's service weapon." He doesn't experience regret, shame or anxiety, because he's at best vaguely aware of the past and future.
That's why he's not precisely a liar. He simply doesn't understand "truth" and "falsehood" as meaningful categories. There's only his emotional state at that specific moment, that's what defines his reality. If he gets a thought, he'll voice it immediately. If he experiences an impulse, he'll act on it, no matter what.
That's not exactly a good thing, but it does make him pretty unique.
Thanks! I'll eventually give them a try...
Are any of these a smooth transition coming from Adobe programs? I really don't want to re-learn my entire workflow in InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.
I only pre-order Guild Wars 2 expansions, as it's my favourite game and I know that whatever I get, I'll feel that it was worth the money for the thousands of hours of fun I've got out of that game :)
But I wouldn't preorder anything else - I have a massive Steam backlog, and a few years after release I can get the properly finished, patched version of games with all the expansions for a fraction of the price (+ all the mods and community resources that had time to develop and mature). Last year I got Witcher 3 for like 90% off lol. No need to rush, there are so many older games I haven't played yet...
Btw I was a r/patientgamers member for years, I see that they also have a community on Lemmy :)
Yea, but the whole notion that Steam just lets developers do this, sometimes repeatedly...
It happens every few years when a publisher gets petty:
Sadly nothing for Adobe InDesign, which is like 2/3 of my workflow :( (Also I don't see an option to filter to Linux programs on that site.)
I spent half hour searching on just now, but for the 3 Adobe programs I use (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop) all FLOSS Linux options seem to be lacking essential features. Based on comments, even in more popular alternatives, features like PDF exporting or CMYK colour handling require workarounds or additional external programs.
(Re. searching only for FLOSS: I'm not opposed to paying for software, but when I enabled that option on, a lot of results were subscription-based, which I do strongly oppose :/ )