This is an inhuman comment
We’re now at the point where tech media has turned and will now have you believe Google should be questioned, is untrustworthy, and that their promise means nothing
This is worse than even the most insufferable apple fanboy.
Google! Untrustworthy!
God I can’t imagine why anyone would think that
Well I mean they shot the guy immediately after so idk if seeming creepy really mattered lol
lol at the “former Australian ambassador to the US” angling for that trump admin 2 job, good job lapping it up salon
you're out of your mind if you think they're unlikely to win in 2024, that's exactly what everyone thought about 2016
these people want war with you, they mean to subjugate you, and if you do not bow they mean to kill you
given what we know about the rest of matt gaetz sexual experiences this is disgusting
almost everyone
not even almost everyone in the US can afford it, no chance buddy
improvement in public transport in recent years
I've only visited once and that was several years ago, I'm surprised to hear the public transit has actually gotten better. I'm from Chicago, which is one of the few US cities with a functional metro, and it's blown out of the water by the mrt just on comfort alone
By all accounts the attacks are over, what’s left are reprisals