I agree with you. The other people in this thread are quick to judge and could stand to learn from some of the wisdom in the shows about which they have such strong feelings.
all kinds of people... lol
teleporters will have keys like vehicles and buildings, to prevent unauthorized access.
in case you didn't know: it's relatively easy to write, in just a few lines, a little program to produce the OTP codes on a computer instead of a phone app.
computers can do most of the checking/ordering/sending via websites, and if you live outside of a city those phone-connected infrastructure things don't exist.
primary difference between a computer and a phone in this regard is that old comouters can perfectly well run modern Linux. with a phone, you're lucky to have root at all so good luck updating it yourself.
it's possible to run windows in a VM on Linux (Microsoft even provides one intended for developers)
UDP hole punching could be regarded as a clever "hack"
it's amazing that you've been downvoted for saying you pay for a service you use that's not ad-riddled junk. how else do people expect these entities to make money that pays for servers, employees, etc.? someone operates the hardware and it's not free.
a literal child may not have the capacity to learn from the interaction, yet. maybe other people reading it will, though.
another tool is taxation. example: single use plastics are a bad thing and we don't need them in most of the ways they're used. taxing them will make them economically untenable and companies will look for alternatives.
lol, EV was special. It was also pretty easy to mod with plug-ins using macos resource fork hackery, even to a kid, and all of the original game data was replaceable just by creating something with the same ID in a plug-in. Cap'n Hector became an angry invincible shuttlecraft with a single laser cannon. now that I'm old enough to afford a license, the company is gone and there's no way, so I guess I'm stuck with him like this forever.