The people downvoting you better be as consistent when it comes to Australias tobacco packaging.
From Wikipedia
Around the late 14th century in Europe, smaller and portable hand-held cannons were developed, creating in effect the first smooth-bore personal firearm.
Laws don't dictate morality and entrenching "being scared" as the basis for self-defense laws gives everyone far too much leeway in "being scared" of the black kid with his hood up, or the delivery driver that you got too high to remember, or somebody answering the door to an unindicated police raid with a legal gun in their hand.
I think vendors being open 24/7 was a quality of life choice. Different planets work on different time-scales. In skyrim, you fast travel from Riverwood to Whiterun, and it only takes a few in-game hours. You leave Riverwood at day and likely load into Whiterun at day as well, so shops and quest-givers are more likely to be up and open.
In Starfield, the day/night cycle and the distances are so different and vast that every time you jumped anywhere it would be a 50/50 on it being night and you having to find a bed or chair to wait or not. I think that would get tedious, so the shoddy solution is that everything is open 24/7.
Classic mod.