What he believes in his heart has nothing to do with the crimes he's been charged with. He interfered with official processes and concocted a scheme to submit a state of false electors. Believing he was doing what was right has nothing to do with the legality of the charges.
USB 2 can transfer 1 gigabyte in about 20 seconds
It's still alive and kicking under the old framework though. Most ISPs dropped their news servers ages ago but there are still loads of free and subscription providers out there.
I don't know what this committee thinks it can accomplish that the fediverse hasn't already picked up the torch on, but power to them. The less centralized and more diverse the Internet is, the better.
I agree. I think tech progression has been mostly beneficial, but I could do without DRM and centralized social media.
For one, he destroyed the legitimacy of the federal judiciary & supreme court. Which is terrible, but great. Like Voldemort.
The Senate will probably never have 66 votes to impeach him before he dies of old age, but there is no reason he cannot be prosecuted and jailed for bribery and corruption. There are actual laws against that.
None of the republican candidates are minimally acceptable. All of them are authoritarian and wish to end democracy. I think it's more dangerous if one of the less crazy-sounding ones gets the nomination. Biden is unpopular and there's a very real chance anybody who's not Trump will win simply by virtue of being somebody "new."
The ideal scenario is that Trump gets the nomination but can barely campaign in the general because of all of his court obligations. It gets even better if he's knocked off a few state ballots and/or the republican party tries to take the nomination away from him after the fact and they tear each other apart with infighting.
Exactly. It would be beyond stupid for "Liberal groups" to try to disqualify him now. He's on track to sail through the primaries and lock up the Republican nomination. Never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake.
Does this mean he intends to retire early?
Absolutely not. Senators believe they are entitled to die in office no matter what happens to them physically or mentally and don't care at all about anything that might impair their ability to represent the interests of their constituents. He might go as far as not seeking to be leader again, but he's not giving up his seat until he's dead.
Not really, no. None of the source material is actually stored inside the model's dataset, so once it's in, it's in. Because of the way they are designed, you can't point to a particular document and just delete that one thing. It's like unscrambling an egg.
What the fuck is going on today?
Interest rates. Loans just got a lot more expensive so big companies are all scrambling to shake down their customers for every penny they can get so they can get more debt off their books.
They claim to be, but it's been a lot more talk than action over the past few decades. That's why Trump picked up so much blue collar support. He didn't do anything for them either, but he spoke to their anger.