
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Yes I have never learned to type and left shift isn't getting any use.

Subjectively should I learn how to type ? I do like 60 wpm currently without training and use probably 7/10 fingers.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 4 days ago (1 children)

KPMG, Deloitte and Mc Kinsey, for reasons that include at times being both financial auditor and bookkeeping at the same time, and consultancy meaning reducing headcount no matter the cost.

I don't really know all that much about it honestly but all I've heard of them, is that they get the smartest people to do the worst thing that they can get away with.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Because some people can feel the guy who got turned into a Beetle. And it's sufficiently sad and disorienting to be interesting to read.

You just don't seem to ever feel Gregor.

To me Goethe is far less interesting, even with Dürrenmatt I question if he might be more boring.

I'm not sure I can say what the difference is between people that like and dislike Kafka, but I have a friend who also thinks Kafka to be boring and another who like me quite likes Kafka, when compared to other classics, and in some ways that are hard to pin down we just seem to think differently. So much so that the guy who doesn't care for Kafka at times seems like a bumbling fool and at others like a sage of wisdom, he definitely isn't either of those outright, but our knowledge, our neural pathways might just be different in such a way that even though we are friends and close in age, social and economic strata(and so on), we percive and think fundamentally different.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago

jdownloader includes yt-dlp and is generally good if you want to download things that you might or might not be supposed to download

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

The esoteric method of YouTube citations + RL recommendations + Google search "[topic I'm thinking about]+ Reddit"+ source of the anime I've watched. It's fine so far but I've just gotten back into reading so I may still add yet more esoteric methods.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

It does my brother in overkill at the time but somehow in retrospect completely worth it GPU.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

If nobody ever would identify with a flag we'd have like 1 problem less.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago


Just for a little reminder why one might be pissed of at people threatening to vote CDU of all things in this environment.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

The AfD won’t get into power this election, so there is 4 more years to sort them out.

Have you been in germany this last week, have you read any of the news from there ? are you Naive about the CDUs position ? How come that this can still be the excuse ? Have you lived under CDU nothingness for most of the last 25 years? And the afd imo. only is this big because of fear of economic downturn from it's voterbase + the constant fearmongering now taken up by CDU and SPD as well as to a lesser extent Grüne.

Not sure what this “destruction of the economy”

With destruction of the economy I mean continuation of the neolib Status quo which has existed more or less unchanged for my entire life. Under all the parties except for afd and linke mind you. Which has and is continuing to make life here economically relatively hard. Sure not as bad as some place else but this is not an EU election it's for this place.

You sure? Because the actual actual read of their NATO position is that they want it disbanded and replaced wih an security alliance the includes Russia. “Wir fordern die Auflösung der NATO und ihre Ersetzung durch ein kollektives Sicherheitssystem unter Beteiligung Russlands, das Abrüstung als ein zentrales Ziel hat.”

If you just look at a party Program without listening to the politicians when they actually explain it sure yes that is the position. Do you believe party programs will be policy word for word? If you don't we can go back to my little paragraph which is from recent communication from the party heads. Also not perfect sure but much less (self) reductive.

invading Europe and they need to be stopped now.

They haven't been for 2+ years now don't kid yourself that they can be stopped in the way you'd like (total ukrainian victory plus short timeline is a pipedream). So tell me why I should not vote for my self interest economically, but instead vote for this idealistic, and with cheeto deals increasingly hollow, ukrainian victory.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d I love to vote the greens in two weeks (Habeck’s Ukraine position has been solid), but only if there is no chance of red/red/green (which looks good so far).

And if there is a chance of RRG your already threatening (with the Ukraine thing still being like 90+% solid), to throw any chance of progress for anyone that doesn't already have it all away, fucking beautifully compassionate.

Honestly the kind of blindness to the status quos failings displayed by people along your lines is the reason I'm going to vote linke, so that there's at least someone to call out the shenanigans when they go down in the Bundestag, in our oh so infallible Democracy.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

This is rather an unfavorable reading of their position. And to nail down them being unelectable to this position, is very reductive in an environment where we have: fascists at 20%, rather turned rightward conservatives at 30%, geriatric and corrupt "socdems" at like 15, and libbed up greens also at roughly 15%. All of these are for various reasons also unelectable largely more unelectable. Weighing a further destruction of the economy, and a further rightward shift, up against an idealistic maybe naive position on foreign politics I mean come on.

The actual read of their NATO position btw. Is closer to the the EU is already a military alliance with strength, and the US (+five eyes) is an unreliable/ imperialistic partner against which the EU should also strengthen itself. Largely they see Russia as worse(or at least equally bad) for the moment, but maybe not forever. Which is what the comment above is likely alluding to.

Pretty standard socialist FP positions for Europe I'd say. If you don't get why NATO might be bad maybe brush up on Afghanistan and Iraq.

Also their FP is not going to matter this election apart from being a check to the governments position, even if they were to somehow end up in one.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Monotheistic Religion is a step along the ladder of class struggle. 2 ish steps ago.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

In City Center Supermarket I can get 4 packs.


Hab die drei Pflanzen hier in 2 töpfen auf dem Dach stehen und überlege eine von den beiden rechten (nach schon ~3m im selben Topf) in ihren eigenen Topf zu verfrachten.

Was sagt der hivemind so zu der Idee?

Einer der Hauptgründe warum die beiden töpfe sich so sehr unterscheiden ist wohl einfach die Wasser Speicher Kapazität des Terracotta Topfes. Als ich im Urlaub war sind die beiden rechten Pflanzen verbrannt und hatten wohl Wassermangel und die linke hatte deutlich weniger Probleme hiermit. Rechts Blattspitzen verbrannt und quasi alle Flächen Blätter vertrocknet, links vielleicht was gelb aber nicht signifikant quasi keine Blätter bzw spitzen verbrannt. Während ich weg war wurden die Töpfe jeden Morgen mit ca 400ml Wasser via Pumpe versorgt das war aber dementsprechend Mitte-ende Juli wohl zu wenig.

Beide Eimer scheinen seit meiner Rückkehr deutlich lebendiger, ich habe aber abgesehen vom gießen auch meine Düngung geändert, von Kaffeesatz auf Obi Bio Gemüsedünger.

Auf dem Dach werden bei ca. 30° im Schatten und Sonne sicher 45° erreicht wahrscheinlich sogar mehr. Die Dachpappe hat 55-60+ (Rötende Verbrennung+Dachpappe ist weich).

Wirklich verschaten ist mir zu aufwendig/gefährlich mit Wind über das Dach. Also bin ich jetzt bei Recht intensiv bewässern damit die Verdunstung an den wirklich warmen Tagen die Temperatur der Pflanze und des Topfes niedrig halten kann.

Habt ihr bei der Story und dem Bild andere Ideen was man machen, oder lassen, könnte?

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