What the frick?
Not in Germany. The law is very abstract. Technically, it does not even allow you to take stuff with you that is supposed to hide your face. On the other hand... Even a T Shirt can be used to hide the face...
Step 1 is already illegal in my country on a protest.
Belarus, Hungary and Turkey... I'm sorry for the people who were not borne in a country next to those.
Do you think that there weren’t examples of that stuff already happening?
There are examples of almost everything. There are even examples of humans pouring gas on humans and setting them on fire. That does not mean that it's normal for our species or that there is a system behind it.
Are you in favor of making the phrase illegal
You got it. A little fine should do it...
israelbezogener Antisemitismus
I don't even know what you are trying to say. Does it mean that one is against jews because of what happened in Gaza?
I'm sorry, but this conversation feels like a never-ending circle. I'm done with it.
run the risk
might get sued
In Germany, we say "Hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette"... There is "criticizing a country" and there is "hate speech". It's not the same.
Ferner sollten Aussagen wie „From the River to the Sea“ unter Strafe gestellt werden
Finally something positive... That sentence is very dumb, because we all know that different people (especially Hamas) interpret is very differently. Don't hide behind a sentence that openly invites everyone to misinterpret it!
My whole point is that criticism of Israel is equated to anisemitism. That’s the whole deal behind the ISRHA definition.
I do not agree with that. You saying it does not make it true.
Is there a way to short-sell everythong that Musk touches?
No, there are probably 7 of them.
We have already rejected Morocco because of geographical reasons...
Too late... You started a war in the comments. I'll proudly fight for my country's way to separate numbers!!! :)
We (in Europe) probably should be thankful that you are not using feet as thousands-separator over there in the USA... Or maybe separate after each 2nd digit, because why not... ;)
I played it for the first time a few months ago.
Controlling the character felt quite unintuitive at first on PS4, but after some time and explanations from a friend, I managed to play it through.
I enjoyed it.