Au contraire. Anything that begins with "With all due respect" is delivered with all the respect the recipient is actually due.
Get a girlfriend, fap in her shower
While you are correct that there likely is no intention and certainly no self-awareness behind the scheming, the researchers even explicitly list the option that the AI is roleplaying as an evil AI, simply based on its training data, when discussing the limitations of their research, it still seems a bit concerning. The research shows that given a misalignment between the initial prompt and subsequent data modern LLMs can and will 'scheme' to ensure their given long-term goal. It is no sapient thing, but a dumb machine with the capability to decive its users, and externalise this as shown in its chain of thought, when there are goal misalignments seems dangerous enough. Not at the current state of the art but potentially in a decade or two.
Why should I go to therapy, when the screams of my victims drown out all thought? Seem to be the more time-efficient solution, just need to keep going.
Just throw them out inside a space suit without any communication devices, if you want them to suffer. Give them some time until oxygen runs out, or they die of thirst, knowing that there will be no help.
And we have better night vision than most the animals that have better day-vision than us. Humans are like the Leatherman of animals. Universally capable of doing most things but not as good as something specialized for that task. Plus of course capable of coming up with ways to cheat
just could not imagine the scale at which human civilization would escalate. Apart from that, spot on.
Since I can see that we have kind of similar tastes, can you recommend the Fionavar Tapestry?
Yeah. I got the theory, but I have almost no practical experience. In total something like 4 weeks of field trips. But nice to see that I still get the basics.
Looks like some kind of intrusion of magma (the pale rock) into the darker rock. you can see how all the veins seem to originate from the pale rock, also the broken-of dark part in the pale rock seems to indicate it, could be part of the original rock, that surrounded the magma, before breaking of.
Some actual geologist might want to give their opinion though. I only had like two years of geology at university before shifting my studies toward crystallography and crystal growth.
I did that for a while. The thing that happened was that I got left out of stuff, because people didn't always think of informing me separately, when it was already discussed in the already existing groups. Sometimes they would inform me after all the planning was done what the plans were, sometimes I got a last minute info or no info at all. So the choice was between a significant loss in my social life and using the same service as everyone else in my social circles.