Muskrat's rare, useful opinion
Goddamn it, Joker
I have a tray of cookies for the post with the most pedantic, convoluted, chopped-to-shit neo-bro-loshophies or metaphors, that provides the most comedic effect. (Edit) Bonus points if it contains the trolley problem or some variation therein
When they tossed the corpse of Osama Bin Laden into the sea, it wasn't just because no country's soil would take him, but to respect his religion, where in Islam cremation is considered a desecration. So they showed him the respect of a burial at sea, even though he was our enemy.
I'm learning to flyyyy... But I ain't got wiings...
Get killed... Louisiana fast
Agustus Gloop lookin mf
yes, more yaoi
That cat looks like he could kick my ass
"Patrick, are you ok!?" "FINLAND!!!"
That phrase has been untrue for decades, and the fact that Trump could possibly win the popular vote proves it.
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