He also wrote the PC ports of Elite 1 and 2, which were amongst the most innovative and technically complex games of their time.
Into the breach is so fucking good. It's like chess but with huge mechas punching the shit out of kaijus.
Now's the time, seeing how the party is polling right now, they wouldn't lose much by dissociating from it.
Jack Daniel's is pretty popular here in France, though I doubt people are willing to pay a 200% tax on it and will just switch to other brands.
But if you time your run juuuust right, it becomes a scaling multiplier !
There's a conspiracy theory going around that the music industry execs colluded to heavily promote gangsta rap over social-conscious rap during the 90's, so that young black people would turn to a life of crime and fill up prisons, as they had recently invested in the nascent private prison industry.
The only "proofs" are anonymous testimonies by self-described industry insiders, but the fact that rap wasn't always about gangsta culture is real.
He's not even part of their tribe lol
If you're into metal you should check out rokk-app.com. Kamelot's drummer is involved, and they claim to pay artists much more than the alternatives. You can also select a particular band which will get a direct share of your subscription.
It just came out last week so it's rough around the edges for now, but it might be worth checking how it evolves over time.
Empathy, like tolerance, should really be considered a social contract. If he doesn't have empathy for the less fortunate than him, I have a really hard time having empathy for him.