A wizard did it
joined 2 years ago
Others may have mentioned it (happy to see Terry Pratchett getting a lot of love), but would definitely recommend anything by Vonnegut! Love his writing style and his approaches to humor and world building. Slaughterhouse Five is a great one, as is Sirens of Titan.
Also, not certain how well they hold up, but I really enjoyed the Redwall series back in the day! I was much younger at the time, though.
"this is how much pure cocaine you would need to enjoy this movie"
Really love this project - still waiting on autocorrect/spell check but happy to wait for them to be ready :)
A wizard did it
Yeah, this rules pretty hard
Alf is the one who knocks
The world was robbed :(
Yo, Willie!
Big guilty gear vibes, I like it!
Ahhh, thanks for sharing! Had no idea this was happening, I'm definitely checking out the Kickstarter when it launches :D