I feel like fast doesn’t change anything. “Surrender or die” is not very “peac-y” whether you’re in Kursk or somewhere else.
I mean, just look at the comment fro the user “Ryan” to a post about a new schedule at the visitor’s center:
If you have trouble opening, I’ll copy and paste.
OP from Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park:
“NEW VISITOR CENTER HOURS FROM THE Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks official Facebook Account . . .
Schedule update!
The adjusted schedule for visitor centers are as follows:
⛺️ Foothills Visitor Center is open Wednesday – Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
🌳 Giant Forest Museum is open Friday – Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
⛰️ Kings Canyon Visitor Center is open Thursday – Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.”
This one guy responds: “This sure seems like a lot of cuts given the limited number of job losses that I’ve read about. Is this just a political statement? While I wish the federal government would spend more on parks, I’m questioning my substantial donations at this point if efforts aren’t being made to make the best of the situation.”
I can’t afford a down payment. You can’t buy a decent house in Cali for less than a mil. I get it. Paying rent sucks (with the advantage of not having to pay your repairs). But I can’t afford a house at this point. Just can’t afford to save enough money. So although I know it’s more optimal, I’m okay with paying rent in the current market. I just can’t deal with the constant increases.
I think you get my point though. Paying rent is not optimal, but a person with a decent job should be able to afford it. While I don’t disagree with what you’re trying to say, I don’t think it’s hard to understand what I’m getting at either.
I would also like to add that I earn above a minimum wage. It’s by no means a stellar income, but it’s decent. On top of that, live with my mom, so we split the rent! And somehow I’m here stressing over whether I’ll be able to afford my place of residence a few years from now. This is not okay. I really want there to be some change, but I don’t know what can be done.
I mean, every year my rent increases and my pay doesn’t (not every year). So every year I have less to spend each month.
The thing that pisses me off is that I’m not Asking to be able to afford a house. I already gave up on that a long time ago. I’m only asking to be able to stay at a place that I’ve been living in for 10 years. And by the way, moving is also super expensive. On top of that, let’s say I did move to a place where the rent is cheaper initially, the rent is gonna be increasing every year there too.
I’m just trying to live a stable, modest life without having a panic attack every time I see her, no tape to my door (which usually signifies a rent increase notification).
I really wish something could be done about this.
I’m a member of a lot of hiking communities on FB. Prior to Trump second presidency, they would blame any kind of problems related to insufficient budgeting to “ sending all money to Ukraine”. Now that he’s the president, and is BLATANTLY cutting budgets to national parks and forests, I see his supporters say “ it’s too bad we donated so much money to the national parks of Ukraine” or “ if Biden did this, you wouldn’t be complaining”, or some version of “ this is necessary, nothing really changed”.
Right. But the point people are trying to make is that the title is somehow “misleading”.