Strange. Have now found some unified crosspost links in main feed with only one headline and the link to the crosspost below. Both examples are from around the same time. Maybe there is some logic that posts are only unified if there is no post in between them, or they are from similar time. Much guessing from my side.
My main client is the default app of in the browser.
Have now checked around and unfortunately I have to correct myself: It seems that crossposted posts are not unified into a single headline in the main feed. Maybe it only worked for the same instance, or something has changed over the last year.
In 1995 we boycotted Shell for environmental reasons and it worked:
Towing of the platform to its final position began on 11 June. By this time, the call for a boycott of Shell products was being heeded across much of continental northern Europe, damaging Shell's profitability as well as brand image. [...]
On 20 June, Shell had decided that their position was no longer tenable, and withdrew their plan to sink the Brent Spar [...]
So it needed more than a week of concerted boycott action to bring big business into trouble, but not unlimited boycott.
Maybe using Regulation (EU) 654/2014.
This comment explains it a bit:
I understand your feelings, and I share them. Let's stay strong and united, refusing to let fear or hatred divide us. Remember, we have allies in America who stand against extremism and are working tirelessly to promote justice and equality. There is a growing movement of brave activists, judges, and everyday Americans who are standing up against these challenges. It's crucial that we support them and let them know they are not alone. Together we are stronger.
You can find an overview of the current resistance in yesterday's post on Substack:
This weekend my first scheduled backups were due during the night, and unfortunately I found my phone in recovery next morning. It was now in kind of "boot loop", resetting shortly after logging into the phone.
Could stop this by quickly killing NeoBackup processes after login. Neo tried to again run the scheduled task each time, most likely as they before failed/did not run through.
So in summary it looks like my Lineage 18 device has issues with the scheduled backups of Neo.
Strange thing is that all my manual tests, even the same as configured for the scheduled tasks, worked perfectly fine. Just today's first fully automatic runs seemed to make trouble (maybe cause mobile phone was in standby?)
Can only guess, but will keep Titanium for now on the older devices, and will keep Neo in mind for newer versions of Android, on which Titanium will not work any more :)
Latest version I know is from 2020-05-16 downloaded from here
I use Titanium since Android 4 and had indeed some troubles (related to storage access rights) on Android 11. After solving those, Titanium ran fine like on older versions of Android. Did not yet try Titanium on newer versions than Android 11.
Thank you for the hint and link to Neo Backup, I will give it a try. (Ah, just saw it is an incarnation of OAndBackup, nice.)
This makes if course more sense from technical and logical side :)