Yes you can. Mathematicians do it all the time.
But that's beside the point. I can prove you didn't kill yourself by showing that someone else did
Yes you can. Mathematicians do it all the time.
But that's beside the point. I can prove you didn't kill yourself by showing that someone else did
Some timezones are already half an hour off
Here's a fun list:
It literally includes literally 😉
The dictionary is descriptive, not proscriptive. Language evolves
Literally has been used as an intensifier for over 200 years. The Oxford English Dictionary includes the definition of "figuratively". Jane Austen, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Henry David Thoreau, James Fenimore Cooper, James Joyce, Charles Dickens, and Mark Twain all used it that way in their writing.
When my Jewish roommate told his parents he was dating a gentile they told him he was "thinning the blood"
Mfw my sophomore year in HS is "ancient"
Take vitamin b complex and drink something with electrolytes. (It's what plants crave) (Kidding about the Idiocracy joke, do it). Source: recovering alcoholic
Thank you for that
The more I learn about the concessions made to the southern slave owners I wish the founders hadn't tried so hard to include them in the union. The north and the south were so different it seems like it would be as doomed to failure as jamming all the Balkan states into a single country.
Every time Texas threatens to secede and doesn't I wish we had the choice to vote them out so they could see just how badly they are not the hot shit they think they are.
The problem with a simple majority is it allows large states to completely dominate less populated states.
We are a republic, kind of like how the UK is a union of (at least) four countries each with its own government. We are 50 states each with its own government and the constitutional right to make it's own laws about matters not specifically delegated to the federal government (see the abortion rights debate).
The founding fathers established the electoral college as a compromise between electing the president in a vote by Congress and a popular vote. I would take an amendment to the constitution to get rid of it.
Library Genesis is down. Maybe for good