
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago

Does anyone know of a similar comparison but with more modest GPUs, like maybe 3060 Ti or equivalent ? I feel like phoronix did something like that but I cant manage to find it

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago (6 children)

I disagree that this is a concern. If you are already exaggerating about federation wars, chances are you already tried lemmy and know a good bit about selecting instances. The average user will not care as much as you do.

The average user will go to join-lemmy site, will not care at all about the different instances and likely choose the biggest one or first one they see. None of them will think "oh no this one is involved in federation wars" because thats not something you find out before knowing some about the fediverse.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I did that, but it did not produce any logs either :(

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I did not try that, but I did try tjrough bottles and I get a similar issue. Does not launch , no errors.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

the only thing I saw was changing some launch options, and none of the mworked unfortunately.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I did try multiple versions of proton, but still without success and same issues :(


UPDATE: Resolved by deleting all files in /var and ~/.local that are related to bottles. It did not work until I deleted them from the repos directory too.

I tried to install bottles via flatpak, but I get the error:

Error: Error pulling from repo: While pulling app/com.usebottles.bottles/x86_64/stable from remote flathub: Opening content object fdb9f1f85b66889bd0dcced24c4fda571f2fcbddfe0af7176fa33a46953d2038: Opening content object fdb9f1f85b66889bd0dcced24c4fda571f2fcbddfe0af7176fa33a46953d2038: Couldn't find file object 'fdb9f1f85b66889bd0dcced24c4fda571f2fcbddfe0af7176fa33a46953d2038'
error: Failed to install com.usebottles.bottles: Error pulling from repo: While pulling app/com.usebottles.bottles/x86_64/stable from remote flathub: Opening content object fdb9f1f85b66889bd0dcced24c4fda571f2fcbddfe0af7176fa33a46953d2038: Opening content object fdb9f1f85b66889bd0dcced24c4fda571f2fcbddfe0af7176fa33a46953d2038: Couldn't find file object 'fdb9f1f85b66889bd0dcced24c4fda571f2fcbddfe0af7176fa33a46953d2038'

I have received such an error before, and usually running flatpak repair fixes it. But that is not working right now.

What else I tried?

flatpak uninstall --unused flatpak update flatpak update --appstream running all the commands as root

More about my system: I am using gentoo, but I did not think it would matter since the point of flatpak is this separation layer it has.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

If important to verify, I have my logs from running steam in terminal here:

chdir "/home/myuser/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Overwatch"
ERROR: object '/home/myuser/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/myuser/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/myuser/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/myuser/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Game Recording - would start recording game 2357570, but recording for this game is disabled
Adding process 1119 for gameID 2357570
ERROR: object '/home/myuser/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Adding process 1120 for gameID 2357570
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 2498 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 2498 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 3394 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 2498 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 2498 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 2498 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 2498 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 3394 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 2498 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 2498 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function!
Adding process 1121 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1210 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1211 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1212 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1213 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1216 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1218 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1221 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1231 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1245 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1251 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1264 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1281 for gameID 2357570
Adding process 1294 for gameID 2357570
Game Recording - game stopped [gameid=2357570]
Removing process 1294 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1281 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1264 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1251 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1245 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1231 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1221 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1218 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1216 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1213 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1212 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1211 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1210 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1121 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1120 for gameID 2357570
Removing process 1119 for gameID 2357570

Some of those might look a bit conerning but they seem to show up for games that work also.


Hi all,

I downloaded overwatch 2 for the first time through steam (flatpak). When I click play, it looks like its doing something for maybe 5-10 seconds, but then nothing happens and the play button reappears. Seemingly the game does not run.

Some info about my setup:

  • bspwm, so no wayland

  • nvidia 3060 Ti GPU, tried both 535 drivers and 550.

  • kernel 6.1.121. Distro is gentoo but it should not matter

  • other games work. I tried Borderlands 2 as a recent example.

  • I ran steam through terminal to look out for errors, but nothing interesting pops up

  • nvidia drivers are installed through flatpak correctly

The questions: Can I get any more detailed logs ? any suggestions how to fix it ?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I have not found any that match the criteria I mentioned.

Just to summarize it better, I want something that has:

  • vim-like philosophy of editing, with keybindings, motions and the like
  • does not struggle with supporting RTL languages like Arabic (the terminal world struggles with that unfortunately)
  • allows rich formatting, such as using non-monospaced fonts, and having the possibility to make different rows of text have different sizes (such as headings being bigger)

tbh if I can find something with only the first two, I can sacrifice the third one. But I still can't find anything like that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for the pointers!

You might hit some challenges like how to handle style elements. For example:


Moving the cursor to the right of the b will take two key presses in nvim but would typically be one key press in a WYSIWYG editor.

I've thought about this actually, and Youre right it will require some handling. In the first version of the editor, I will still include the special characters, such as the * for bolding. But I will also style it and what's after as bold.

I really like the render-markdown plugin, but my deal breaker was RTL language, since Arabic is a native language to me that I wish to write in vim.


I want to create a WYSIWYG editor for markdown, and I want it to be keyboard-driven with vim editing philosophy.

I want the editor to have rich formatting, rather than the equally spaced cells of characters in the terminal. This would enable rows having different text sizes, usage of non-monospaced fonts, editing RTL languages such as arabic or hebrew, and bypass other terminal limitations.

Embedding neovim would be nice in theory, enabling all compatible vim features. But it seems to come with great difficulties, since I am forgoing the entire rendering philosophy that neovim depends on (equally spaced cells of the terminal).

SO I am thinking it would be better to emulate the vim features I want, starting with basic keybindings and motions, and go from there. But I am worried that I might end up regret this choice? It seems that embedding neovim is too monumental of a task for what I want to do. Am I mistaken?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

This worked, thank you!!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Does not yield the right results still

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Yes that yields the same result. I get some results, but not any from Lemmy including the one I am looking for.


I read in many places that this should be supported, but either I'm doing it wrong or it is not working.

I just signed up in which seems to proclaim federation with over 1000 instances including Lemmy ones.

I put !fediverse in the search bar, but this community does not come up.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a friendica account I can tag to ask about this, or a group I can post in for support?


The use case I have in mind: say for example, I read a lot of articles about a certain topic, such as Linux or chemistry or whatever. I want to combine the articles I write into a singular feed, and for others to be able to follow it. Call it “Alex’s Linux Feed”.

Another use case: Suppose I follow a news source (like washington post), but maybe I dont like the formatting of their feed. Maybe it does not have the full article, or maybe it is not organized right (sports news is mixed with political news, and I want to separate them right). So I create my own feed where I organize those same posts better.

The reason this would be a platform because the user should not be burdened with hosting it (even if it is not difficult), and it should be searchable.

Is there any platform like this of user created RSS feeds?


The use case I have in mind: say for example, I read a lot of articles about a certain topic, such as Linux or chemistry or whatever. I want to combine the articles I write into a singular feed, and for others to be able to follow it. Call it "Alex's Linux Feed".

Another use case: Suppose I follow a news source (like washington post), but maybe I dont like the formatting of their feed. Maybe it does not have the full article, or maybe it is not organized right (sports news is mixed with political news, and I want to separate them right). So I create my own feed where I organize those same posts better.

The reason this would be a platform because the user should not be burdened with hosting it (even if it is not difficult), and it should be searchable.

Is there any platform like this of user created RSS feeds?


Hi all, I want to do some screen recording on my linux desktop. And like a normal-functioning member of society, I decided to do it the hardest way and learn ffmpeg CLI to do it. Why? well, something about using underlying tools and customizing their usage excites me.

I have already started doing this, and I am finding I have to do a lot of trial and error to get things right. Before I dive deeper, I want to ask: Am I limiting myself in doing this? Is there anything I could be missing out on taking this route, or something that ffmpeg could not do on its own that a dedicated solution can?

What will I use this for exactly? well, things like recording a video game as I play it (which I suppose will require hardware acceleration to be of viable quality), or recording a tutorial (requiring voice input from mic), things like that.


starting out with an unpopular opinion: of all the centralized social media platforms, Facebook was always my favorite.

Why? it is the most full featured. Has threads, reactions, groups, “Pages”, polls, and it even has granular privacy controls (for hiding content from other users, not to be confused with Facebook’s privacy violations and commercial data use).

This makes me wonder, could we have a Facebook-like experience using Lemmy as a backend? similar to how lemmy has a phpBB experience using lemmyBB.

Lemmy already has threads, and communities can represent groups. Pages and user pages can be simulated with communities.

We would be missing polls and reactions, which I can live with. I am not at all mad that we would be missing content algorithms either.

Although we can’t make it identical to Facebook, I think it will get reasonably close and exemplify most of the good parts.

I am thinking to take this project on, but wondering if people have thoughts, if this already exists, or if people would even want to use this.


starting out with an unpopular opinion: of all the centralized social media platforms, Facebook was always my favorite.

Why? it is the most full featured. Has threads, reactions, groups, "Pages", polls, and it even has granular privacy controls (for hiding content from other users, not to be confused with Facebook's privacy violations and commercial data use).

This makes me wonder, could we have a Facebook-like experience using Lemmy as a backend? similar to how lemmy has a phpBB experience using lemmyBB.

Lemmy already has threads, and communities can represent groups. Pages and user pages can be simulated with communities.

We would be missing polls and reactions, which I can live with. I am not at all mad that we would be missing content algorithms either.

Although we can't make it identical to Facebook, I think it will get reasonably close and exemplify most of the good parts.

I am thinking to take this project on, but wondering if people have thoughts, if this already exists, or if people would even want to use this.


For any social network, not just a federated one.

My thoughts: The way it works in big tech social networks is like this:

  1. **The organic methods: **
  • your followee shares something from a poster you don't follow
  • someone you don't follow comments on a post from someone you follow
  • you join a group or community and find others you currently don't follow
  1. The recommendation engine methods: content you do not follow shows up, and you are likely to engage in it based on statistical models. Big tech is pushing this more and more.
  2. Search: you specifically attempt to find what you're looking for through some search capability. Big tech is pushing against this more and more.

In my opinion, the fediverse covers #1 well already. But #1 has a bubble effect. Your followees are less likely to share something very drastically different from what you already have.

The fediverse is principally opposed to #2, at least the way it is done in big tech. But maybe some variation of it could be done well.

#3 is a big weakness for fediverse. But I am curious how it would ideally manifest. Would it be full text search? Semantic search? Or something with more machine learning?


What are your predictions for his Trump's presidency will go?

Overall, I believe we will see a continuation of the trends from 2017-2020, but an increase or intensification of said trends due to Trump's experience in presidency and increased confident position.

  • increased deregulation and cutting funding to regulatory bodies across the board
  • federal workforce reduction
  • immigration workforce reduction, reviving the spike in the backlog of pending immigration cases
  • dramatic increase in tariffs. This has many implications, most importantly negative impact on domestic consumers, increase in consumer prices, but also economic war with certain players like China, and causing economic suffering to certain partners such as Mexico.
  • Ukraine: this one is hard to predict, as trump is unpredictable on those. There's a good chance trump will push zelensky towards accepting a peace deal with Russia, but equally likely that he will up US' involvement in Ukraine (contrary to what Trump claims)
  • Israel / Palestine: Biden admin was the first to show the kind of hesitant rhetoric we see today towards supporting Israel. Trump will reverse this trend, and we will go back to standard neocon Israel supporting. He will likely push for Israel to take over the west bank as a convoluted effort for "peace".
  • interest rates: I am less certain of this, but there's a decent chance that trump pushes interest rates lower to catalyze short term economic growth
  • job market: if interest rates drop, we will see a short term rally for the job market, especially in big tech. Long term ramifications are tough to predict
  • border security: my unpopular / controversial opinion is that trump and biden admins are very similar on this. Although public sentiment about the border issues will likely shift, I do not expect a significant material change or major departure from biden policy.
  • Healthcare: Trump didn't make any big moves in 2017-2020. I cannot forecast anything here.
  • Abortion issues: with Republicans likely securing Congress, a federal abortion regulation is possible but not certain. Support for some type of regulation is near unanimous among Republicans, but some oppose the degree. Trump himself has flip flopped on whether a federal ban is necessary. I expect that there will be some regulation, albeit limited.

What are your predictions and thoughts?


Hi programmers,

I work from two computers: a desktop and laptop. I often interrupt my work on one computer and continue on the other, where I don't have access to uncommitted progress on the first computer. Frustrating!

Potential solution: using git to auto save progress.

I'm posting this to get feedback. Maybe I'm missing something and this is over complicated?

Here is how it could work:

Creating and managing the separate branch

Alias git commands (such as git checkout), such that I am always on a branch called "[branch]-autosave" where [branch] is the branch I intend to be on, and the autosave branch always branches from it. If the branch doesn't exist, it is always created.

handling commits

Whenever I commit, the auto save branch would be squashed and merged with the underlying branch.

autosave functionality

I use neovim as my editor, but this could work for other editors.

I will write an editor hook that will always pull the latest from the autosave branch before opening a file.

Another hook will always commit and push to origin upon the file being saved from the editor.

This way, when I get on any of my devices, it will sync the changes pushed from the other device automatically.

Please share your thoughts.

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