I don't need it to not exist. I need it to stay the fuck out of everyone's lives unless they work in a lab of some kind.
see, it's not actually useful. it's a tomogatchi. do you remember those? no, you fucking don't.
I don't need it to not exist. I need it to stay the fuck out of everyone's lives unless they work in a lab of some kind.
see, it's not actually useful. it's a tomogatchi. do you remember those? no, you fucking don't.
no, responding to a comment about exactly that thing.
more "is the phone encrypted? okay, just make up what was on it."
"was the phone unencrypted? ... just some tepid nudes and an affair where his wife's in the group chat? is that illegal yet? okay, uh, well, we got orders to arrest him. resisting arrest?"
nothing can be improved while capitalism or authority exist; all improvement will be seized and used to oppress.
I dunno. I don't find any sympathy with any of these fuckers though. this is not a generally useful technology, it is not something the average person ever needs to see, and honestly, just fuck em. Fuck anyone messing with open source to engorge the garbage dispenser.
If you're dumb enough and care little enough about the truth, I'm not really going to try coming at you with rationality and sense. I'm down to do an accelerationism here. fuck it. burn it down.
remember; these companies all run at a loss. if we can hold them off for a while, they'll stop getting so much investment.
not in the lower 48, yet. but I haven't taken amtrak recently. no idea for alaska, hawaii, or the colonies.
so, the biggest reasons why the california unhoused population is so big are because social workers from the rest of the country send their high needs people our way. it's called 'greyhound therapy'-california is warm enough you won't freeze in winter, nobody thinks about heat stroke, and a bus ticket is better than a month of shelter beds. we also get all the children they throw away for being queer, at least the ones who don't just join the military, which isn't going to be a thing anymore, for pretty similar reasons.
so the opposite of that actually happens. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would like to go home.
except... even in los angeles, there are so many empty units. I don't just mean for turnover-the half dozen or so big landlording companies make more money keeping a unit empty and recursively leveraging it like tesla stock than renting it out to a tenant with good income and dubious credit. so we are being stared at by a thousand blind windows at all times. many of them in large buildings that are partially occupied, and even the single family residences are well maintained, because they exist as financial instruments. I doubt it's enough, but not everybody actually wants to live in los angeles-the food is great, the culture is good, I adore the mild winters, and so much else, but the hills, the traffic, the ground constantly shaking, the noise, the fact one of our seasons is just 'fire' and the smoke sometimes drops the temperature by a degree or two so it's not even a net negative every time, the amount of funding we give to the gangs, and the fact it's just so fucking big and so fucking city just isn't for everyone. I'm sure there are people who miss snow.
the concept is more sound than you would think.
other comment got it pretty much right. not BAD, but, like, 'inventing communism from first principles via jordan peterson, and only sort of halfway there' weridness.
again, I think when this stops being worth the entertainment value, it's okay to put him to the only genuinely pro-social use he'll ever have in a field somewhere.
might hit a few times, or maybe there's a version that can puff stuff up the data in the sense of space, and salt it in the sense of utility.
that's the entire point of laws, though, and it was already being used for that.
giving the laws better law stuff will not improve them. the law is malevolent. you cannot fix it by offering to help.