They probably still are the owners of the device and would make you pay for a new one right when they discover that you're not generating revenue anymore.
I had never heard of it before and I liked the concept, but to me it looks like a lot of work for users to connect to each other via QR codes, making it impracticable for a lot of people, don't it?
Having spez as CEO
From what I saw, the updates are just rare and occasional bug corrections, but never new features.
Definitely not! For me, they're just wanting to destroy the whole Fediverse thing
I think that the answer for all your questions is "no".
Recomendo dar uma lida sobre a estratégia EEE (Embrace, extend and extinguish), que eu acredito que é exatamente o plano da Meta com esse Threads, já que devem estar morrendo de medo de perderem o domínio das redes sociais pras soluções descentralizadas.
If I can give you an advice: don't stop trying to get used to kbin.
For me, at the beginning it felt a little complex and hard to find what I wanted, but after some days it started to feel like home and everything now makes sense (except for the upvote button that don't really upvote a post)!
I bet that someone is going to code an AdBlock 5 minutes after it being launched publicly